The benefits of not smoking can be obtained even in the old age. There is no age restriction to try and quit the habit of smoking. If you are in the habit of smoking, aside from being told off at each chance by anti-smoking groups, you will be aware without a doubt that smoking is not good for your wellbeing. Just consider why these anti- smoking people always come down so hard on smokers? What's the reason behind their slogans wanting you to stop smoking? The answer lies in the benefits of not smoking gained from quitting this habit. Knowing this, one can safely assume that even quitting in old age may be beneficial.
Among the main benefits of not smoking is a reduced risk of contracting cancer. Smoke can be synonymous, literally, with the act of consuming cancer-causing carcinogenic stuff each time you breathe in the smoke. The cancer- causing agents are immersed in your blood and stick on to any surface of the body coming in touch with these agents. Over a period of time, these carcinogens affect body cells. This overwhelms your body and somewhere down the line, increases the chances of your having cancer. Among the benefits of not smoking, even in old age, is cutting down this risk. This risk starts diminishing as soon as you quit smoking.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or COPD, as it is commonly known, generally afflicts smokers. This disease means long standing harm to lung functioning. Emphysema and Bronchitis are the two major variations of COPD. The majority of smokers go through the pain of bronchitis, attributable to the irritation of drawing in the hot, noxious smoke directly into their lungs on an hourly basis. This becomes noticeable in the form of breathlessness and the peculiar cough of the smoker, which throws up the surplus of mucus formed as a result of this smoke. Avoiding this pain in the old age is one of the benefits of not smoking.
Smokers have a much higher risk of suffering a stroke, above all, in their old age. The basis for this is not apparent, but it is considered that very similar processes that bring about solidification of the arteries in smokers are linked to this risk. One of the Benefits of not smoking in old age is cutting down your chances of suffering a stroke, which increase with each passing minute after a certain age.
Thus, it is never too late to give up smoking. But the sooner you do it, the better it is.
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