Quit smoking seems to be quite difficult to do. As we all know, smoking can be very relieving as well as irritating. This bad habit will certainly bring to relieve and enjoyment to the smokers; on the contrary, it will definitely be an irritating activity for the people around them due to the smoke produced from the lighted cigarette.
To help you live healthier and prolong your days of living, you should consider to stop smoking.? It is a challenging thing to do since many people are tempting to go back to their old bad habit after certain period of time stop smoking. It is caused by the addictive substance on the nicotine that makes your body keep on asking more for such a substance.
You may take the followings tips to help you? stop smoking and lead a healthier life.
Make sure that you do really want to stop smoking and understand the reason why you smoke.This will help you to keep on fighting the process until you are really free from such a bad habit. Knowing the reasons why you smoke will help you in determining the best methods in facing them as well as determining the right medications to help you quit smoking. Set your own quit smoking date. It is better for you to choose the date when you have plenty of things to do to keep you busy during your quit smoking process. Such a busy day will help distract your eagerness of smoking. Asking for an assistance and advices from your doctor about your quit smoking decision.Get support and encouragement from your family, friends and relatives. Looking for some buddies who also want to stop smoking. You can help and encourage each other during the hard times of your stop smoking process. Start to do certain exercise program and consider having a healthy diet eating plan. Determine your reaction and particular thing to do when you experience the cigarette craving. Keep yourself busy and active could help you avoid such cravings. Determine a certain item like lollipop, toothpicks, coffee stirrer, sunflower seeds, chewing gums, etc. to help you manage with your physical cigarette cravings since you are accustomed to hold the cigarette in your hand, taking a puff and / or putting it in your lips.Convince yourself that you can quit. You may want to think about having some vacations or purchase more gifts to your beloved ones with the money you save on cigarettes. This article has been viewed 5 time(s).Article Submitted On: September 11, 2010

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