Monday, October 4, 2010

When to Use Stop Smoking Gum?

Strange as it may seem, you have top pass certain requirements before you can actually quit smoking. There are valid reasons for this, and in this article we will be taking a look at a stop smoking gum as an example. The nicotine gum is one of the most popular and preferred approaches to smoking cessation. However, this approach may not work for you, depending on certain circumstances, or should I say, whether you pass the "requirements". After reading this article, you will be able to determine if you are good enough to use the nicotine gum.

Requirement #1 - Know What It Is For

Lots of smokers jump into nicotine gums and patches without knowing what they really are for. Sure, it's a given that these products, collectively known as parts of nicotine replacement therapy, supplies nicotine to your bloodstream without the hole-drilling effects of cigarettes. This is nice and all, but simply treating it that way can lead you to just using them as an alternative to smoking, which it isn't. It is the first step to not ever smoking again.?

Requirement #2 - Know How to Use It

By using nicotine gums, you've taken the first step to not smoking. What's left is to rid you of your nicotine addiction. With that said, you have to gradually reduce your nicotine intake. This doesn't happen overnight, a few days, or a few weeks. This takes time hence the need for planning. If you're planning to use nicotine gums, follow a set program provided by your therapist. You should have a say in the program as well, as only you know how much you are truly capable of.

Requirement #3 - Know That You Want To Quit

The problem with nicotine gums is that they give you the nicotine. This retains the attachment between you and the addictive substance. A lot of smokers have went back to smoking simply because they couldn't let nicotine go, and cigarettes are cheaper than gums. Only determination can remedy this, which is why you have to know how much you want to quit. A strong personal drive to kick the habit is all you need to do so. Nicotine gums merely provide assistance.

Note that these requirements aren't just for usage of a stop smoking gum. These can also be applied to whatever smoking cessation approach you need. For instance, hypnosis is effective but can't help you if you don't want to quit in the first place. Look deep down inside yourself to see how much you want a smoke free life. The stronger the drive, the better your chances are.

View the original article here

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