Monday, October 4, 2010

Quit Smoking and Win a Million Bucks

What if someone told you that you would win 1 Million Dollars if you quit smoking today? And, by the way, you needed to stay an ex-smoker for a year before you saw any of the money.

I am a movie buff, and a funny movie with Joe Pesci and Rodney Dangerfield had this idea in the premise. Not only did he have to give up smoking, but drinking too!

He was not ready, he was a complete addict, and the picture didn't look good. The fun around the struggles made the movie a great laugh. He did finally win in the end, but not without the support of his family and friends. He had lots of times where he was really close to losing out on the money, but in the end he found the strength to succeed.

This is a Hollywood movie, and you are not going to have this type of offer! It is too bad too, as anyone who gives up smoking should be rewarded. And in reality they are.

Think of the money you could save by not smoking. You may be spending anywhere from 3-4 dollars a day on smokes or more! If you are a regular smoker, you may go through 30 packs in a month. This adds up to a conservative figure of $120 a month, $1440 a year, and if you smoke for 20 years, $28,800!

Think of what you could have done with that $1440 in a money market fund, or even a simple savings account. With compound interest, you easy could reach a million dollars by the time you retire!

Not only that, but what if you continue to smoke? Will you even get to retirement? Smoking is the most dangerous habit you can have, as it will seriously limit your lifetime in ways you can never wish to think.

Cancer, heart and lung disease, and liver failure can all be indications from smoking. It is a well known cause of premature births in pregnant mothers, and can bring on depression in some people. There are addictive forces at work during the drug delivery such as compensation for brain chemical and hormone interactions that can cause a lack of mental focus and clarity.

The biochemical and biological issues related to coronary and vessel disease are documented, and can be related to some kidney ailments. The list of health concerns goes on an on. It is a true economic concern for both governments, and individuals as you continue the thread of money through the health system.

If the current path of a smoker continues, not only does this path include illness, but also the economic challenges of paying for such illness. Health will be a factor, and disability will be an early indication during the last stages of life.

Clearly, the economic and social demands of the smoker are not fully communicated when the flashy ads for the Cowboy Man are presented. I guess he just rides off into the sunset, cigarette in hand, without much worry about the challenges of the risk he has taken.

So, what does this sad truth mean? For starters, if you decide to empower yourself and quit smoking, you have just hit the jackpot! Not only will you instantly save money from cigarette smoking, but your health will improve, and you will have less risk for any of the cancers, and illnesses that plague a smoker.

Think of the cruise you can take, and that happy house in Florida in your golden years. I bet you would rather have that picture in your mind versus an oxygen tank in tow.

View the original article here

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