Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Your Reasons For Smoking and Why Those Aren't Good Reasons

People smoke for many reasons. For young adults, they smoke out of curiosity and peer pressure. Most of the time, they want to look mature and independent, to be like their friends, and to experiment.

The reasons for people to start smoking and the reasons for people to keep smoking are often different. As smokers engage more to the practice of puffing cigarettes, they begin to claim smoking as beneficial to them in many ways. However, these so-called "beneficial" ways that they get from smoking often vary among smokers.

Some people smoke to keep them going energetically. Some smoke just to have something in their mouth. Some smoke to feel relaxed and satisfied. Some smoke to manage negative emotions or to reduce tension. Some smoke due to psychological addiction to smoking while some people smoke as a behavior pattern.

The researchers find the Behavioral System Model of Dorothy E. Johnson as a guide to the study. According to Johnson, each person as a behavioral system is composed of seven subsystems namely ingestive which satisfies appetite; eliminative which excretes body wastes; affiliative which provides survival and security, social inclusion, intimacy, and formation and maintenance of strong social bond; aggressive which protects and preserves self and society within the limits imposed by society; dependence which promotes helping behavior that calls for a nurturing response, approval, attention or recognition, and physical assistance; achievement which attempts to manipulate the environment and master it to some standard of excellence, and sexual which is for procreation and gratification.

In addition, she viewed that each person strives to achieve balance and stability both internally and externally and to function effectively by adjusting and adapting to environmental forces through learned patterns of response.

Furthermore, Johnson believed that the patient strives to become a person whose behavior is commensurate with social demands; who is able to modify his behavior in ways that support biologic imperatives; who is able to benefit to the fullest extent during illness from the health care professional's knowledge and skills; and whose behavior does not give evidence of unnecessary trauma as a consequence of illness.

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A Timeline - Benefits of Not Smoking for 20 Minutes to 15 Years

The moment you make the resolution and drop that last cigarette stub, the benefits of not smoking begin. Each cigarette you smoke takes you one-step closer to death. Greatly increasing the chances of cancer in the lungs and throat, the nicotine in the cigarette directly affects your brain while the carbon monoxide binds with the hemoglobin reducing its oxygen carrying capacity. Shooting up pulse rate and blood pressure, smoking also increases chances of strokes as well as heart attacks.

With so many harmful effects on your health, quitting smoking is probably the best thing you can do for yourself and also your family. The benefits of not smoking begin within 20 minutes of you bidding goodbye to the last cigarette. The accompanying withdrawal symptoms are all momentary discomforts that are actually a part of your body's healing process.

The benefits of not smoking begin with your pulse rate and blood pressure dropping down to normal level. Within the next eight hours, the carbon monoxide level in your blood also comes down, leading to increased flow of oxygen, which revitalizes your damaged tissues. As the nicotine level keeps on falling, within 24 hours the risk of having a heart attack decreases considerably.

As the body becomes free from nicotine, within 48 hours the nerve endings start to regrow, greatly improving the sensory functions, and returning your sense of smell and taste. You start to breathe easy, the bronchial tubes relax, and you can even experience an overall increase in the energy levels within three days. Within two weeks your body regains its normal circulation and in a month's time you can feel a considerable decrease in your sinus congestion, fatigue, shortness of breath and coughing.

With so many immediate benefits of not smoking, sticking to your resolve of not smoking should be easier now. Lungs, which are the worst affected of all the organs in your body, begin to show signs of repair. And within two to three months you can get back about 30% of your lung function. The cilia of your respiratory tract regrow and the mucus secretion regenerates, holding back all dirt and germs and preventing chances of infection. Within a year, the risk of having a coronary heart disease reduces by half. Within five to ten years, the risk of having lung, throat, mouth, and esophagus cancer reduces to a great extent. In 15 years the Benefits of not smoking involve bringing down your susceptibility to coronary heart diseases to the level of a non-smoker. So, by quitting smoking you are actually saving your own life.

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Quit Smoking Hypnosis Delivers Amazing Results All The Time

Hypnosis is considered as an accepted professional science that is practised by experts and professional hypnotherapists. Hypnotherapy has helped a lot of people surmount many challenges in their lives. Hypnotherapy is effective in treating overweight people, and people who want to get rid of their addictions, depression and stress.

Hypnosis helps you relax while the hypnotherapist concentrates on the problem behavior or habit, including the specific goal to be achieved. During hypnosis, it doesn't mean you are asleep. The body and mind may be in heightened relaxation, but the subconscious is working and fully aware. In this condition, the subconscious is able to soak up any suggestions.

There are many interesting aspects about the subconscious mind. It cannot distinguish between imagination and what is real. It is the conscious mind's job to do that. It cannot determine whether something is merely an imagination or is reality. Thus, when suggestions are directed towards the subconscious without passing through the conscious mind, then some creative things are bound to happen. If you imagine not smoking and communicate that to the subconscious, then it will work. That's why Quit Smoking Hypnosis is effective - with the guidance of an able hypnotherapist, anything is possible.

The reason why the smoking habit goes back again and again to a previous quitter is that the subconscious mind is not involved in the patient's efforts to stop. The subconscious mind constantly pokes you to remind you that you need a cigarette despite the fact that the conscious mind says no. Therefore, the best way to stop smoking is to convince the subconscious mind that you no longer want to smoke and that it has negative consequences for you.

A hypnotherapist may investigate into the backgrounds of your smoking and what were the events in your life that led to it. Maybe it has been a habit to smoke after eating. If this is the case, the hypnotherapist can suggest to the subconscious mind to indulge in more healthy activities instead, like taking a stroll after a meal.

The hypnotherapist encourages positive thoughts during and under hypnosis. The smoker is convinced to believe that she or he can easily quit. Hypnosis has a rather high success rate. What is more interesting is that with quit smoking hypnosis, the incidence of relapse of the smoker is almost thoroughly eliminated. Quit Smoking Hypnosis should be tried by every smoker who is serious about quitting.

In my case, I started smoking as a teenager because I was overweight and felt very unattractive. However, when some kids started showing some interest in me, I began adopting their behavior, their manner of dressing and talking. Unfortunately, they all smoked because it was cool to smoke then... Over the years, I had shed my unwanted weight, but unfortunately, have not gotten rid of my smoking habit. Until one day, I simply got tired of the smell of my car, my hair, my clothes, everything!

I read about hypnotherapy and resolved to quit smoking once and for all. Nor, it's been only three sessions, but I have completely gotten over my smoking. Most of all, Quit Smoking Hypnosis is a more effective method for smoking cessation and keeping the smoking habit from recurring. It's miraculous!

About The Author:

Misty A. Godinez is a Content Writer and Internet Marketer who writes about health issues and would like to help you triumph over your health problems.

Have you been trying to stop smoking without any success? Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy may just be the answer.

One hypnotherapy session is all it takes to change your life forever! High Tech Hypnotherapy can help you change your mindset to help you kick that smoking habit for good!

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Misty A. Godinez - EzineArticles Expert Author

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Quit Smoking By Hypnosis - What Do I Do?

If you want to Quit Smoking by Hypnosis, but do not want to visit an expert hypnotist, you will have to use self-hypnosis. You must be wondering how you can do so, especially since you had never been trained to hypnotize. Well, to Quit Smoking by Hypnosis, and that too without a professional's help, here are the steps you should follow:

1. Demand answers from yourself - Head to a secluded part of your house and talk to yourself. Be honest and serious as you ask yourself why you smoke, and what advantages and disadvantages you get from continuing this habit. Think of the answers and jot them down. Once you're done, take a decision right there whether you should quit smoking or not.

2. Start accepting your decision by coaxing your mind - Hypnotism works on the subconscious layer of your mind. What you need to do is coax that part into accepting that cigarettes aren't any good and why you shouldn't smoke anymore. Use good, logical suggestions so that you can convince yourself fully.

3. Repeat again and again, "Cigarettes are bad!" - To keep the message embedded in your mind, repeat your previously formulated suggestions over and over every time, from morning to night, and whenever you get some free time. This makes sure that you won't end up smoking again and will keep you hypnotized.

4. Be persistent - The key to Quit Smoking by Hypnosis is to stick to your guns. Do not waver and keep on reminding yourself about the effects of smoking. You will soon realize that you haven't had a cigarette in ages (2-3 weeks at the very least). After that, don't go back to smoking.
Using these four steps, you can easily Quit Smoking by Hypnosis. However, to be on the safe side, you can complement these with some anti-smoking products such as the nicotine patch. Together, these can quicken your quitting process and ensure that you don't go back to it.

So, are you ready to embrace the healthier lifestyles once again?

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How to Quit Smoking When You Relapse

There is a statistic bantered around the smoking cessation community that states people who quit smoking will try on average 7 attempts before they are successful and finally quit for good. I'm not sure if there is any data to back up this claim, but it does "sound" about right. We all know people who have tried to quit time and time again without success. Often times these people fail to change their behavior that is commonly associated with their smoking habits. They are conditioned to smoke and like Pavlov's dogs, just can't stop salivating when the cigarette dinner-bell is rang. And, if what I read on the stop smoking forums is true, then I'd say many people fall off the stop smoking wagon in the first week after their target quit date. Does this mean you are going to be a lifetime smoker? Does this mean it will take 6 more attempts before you become successful?

Well, a new study might just change our thinking about recidivism or relapse. In the journal Addiction, Gonzales and others evaluated immediate quitting with varenicline (Chantix), bupropion SR (Zyban) and placebo versus delayed quitting. There results were somewhat surprising. They found that two types of successful quitters emerged, those who quit immediately and those whose success came in a delayed manner. The immediate quitters, whom they termed IQ, were continually abstinent for weeks 2-12. The delayed quitters, DQ, smoked during 1 or more weeks for weeks 2-8. They obviously gave in to temptation and had a puff or two during the clinical trial. However, they were still motivated to quit and remained in the program.

The Chantix group had the highest quit rate for both IQ and DQ, 24% and 20% respectively. Zyban's success was 18% and 11.6%, while the placebo came in at 10% and 7.5%. This evaluation tells us a couple of things.

Chantix success remains relatively high compared to Zyban and Zyban success is greater than that of placebo. Nothing about this is earth-shattering. But it also tells us that if the smoker remains motivated to quit and has a program to follow, they have a very good chance to quit, even if they fall off the wagon early on. In fact, their success rate isn't much lower than their IQ counterparts, relatively speaking. One-third of the proportion of successful quitters who were abstinent between weeks 9-52, were delayed quitters.

So what is the key element then? Well, one thing is obvious. Smokers who enroll in a formal program are likely more serious about quitting and therefore, more motivated to quit, despite early relapse. Secondly, stop smoking aids with a support system are much more effective in helping people become smoke-free than those who go it alone without some kind of aid. I've never understood why people would direct people away from getting help to stop smoking. Nicotine is so addictive, that would be like asking a heroin addict to quit cold turkey, on their own. It just doesn't make sense to me. I understand there are side-effects to all medications, but these can usually be managed within some sort of a support system. Everybody is different and everyone's addiction is different. Some can go cold turkey, while others probably need something a little but substantive.

This just goes back to the point that it is hard to quit smoking by yourself. You have to build in some kind of accountability or network of support to lift you up when you relapse. Too many people think they can quit as easy as they started or they don't think they can quit at all, so their attempts are simply doomed to fail before they even begin.

If you find yourself in this category, then you need to think about the stop smoking benefits that are available to you when you quit. You might also want to start evaluating the health consequences that are suffered by people who smoke.

If you are ready to quit smoking then go to a trusted resource for information and stop smoking help. Learn about all the stop smoking aids, take a nicotine addiction quiz to find out which method might be best suited for you. Arm yourself with unbiased information and understand what to expect when you quit smoking. The only thing that makes quitting easy, is your attitude. Stay firm in your decision and resolve to quit smoking everyday.

Get the valuable information you need to help you stop smoking at

Tim Frymyer is a licensed respiratory therapist who is dedicated to keeping the public up-to-date on the latest stop smoking information.

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Quit Smoking - Several Useful Tips

Quit smoking seems to be quite difficult to do. As we all know, smoking can be very relieving as well as irritating. This bad habit will certainly bring to relieve and enjoyment to the smokers; on the contrary, it will definitely be an irritating activity for the people around them due to the smoke produced from the lighted cigarette.

To help you live healthier and prolong your days of living, you should consider to stop smoking.? It is a challenging thing to do since many people are tempting to go back to their old bad habit after certain period of time stop smoking. It is caused by the addictive substance on the nicotine that makes your body keep on asking more for such a substance.

You may take the followings tips to help you? stop smoking and lead a healthier life.

Make sure that you do really want to stop smoking and understand the reason why you smoke.This will help you to keep on fighting the process until you are really free from such a bad habit. Knowing the reasons why you smoke will help you in determining the best methods in facing them as well as determining the right medications to help you quit smoking. Set your own quit smoking date. It is better for you to choose the date when you have plenty of things to do to keep you busy during your quit smoking process. Such a busy day will help distract your eagerness of smoking. Asking for an assistance and advices from your doctor about your quit smoking decision.Get support and encouragement from your family, friends and relatives. Looking for some buddies who also want to stop smoking. You can help and encourage each other during the hard times of your stop smoking process. Start to do certain exercise program and consider having a healthy diet eating plan. Determine your reaction and particular thing to do when you experience the cigarette craving. Keep yourself busy and active could help you avoid such cravings. Determine a certain item like lollipop, toothpicks, coffee stirrer, sunflower seeds, chewing gums, etc. to help you manage with your physical cigarette cravings since you are accustomed to hold the cigarette in your hand, taking a puff and / or putting it in your lips.Convince yourself that you can quit. You may want to think about having some vacations or purchase more gifts to your beloved ones with the money you save on cigarettes. This article has been viewed 5 time(s).
Article Submitted On: September 11, 2010

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Quit Smoking Excuses to Bury for Good

The three biggest excuses to not quit, are covered and stomped on here. Do not put off your quit date any longer, you can quit, and your biggest excuses are taken down here.

1. I will gain weight, and it will be even unhealthier for me to quit smoking and gain weight. Can you believe what you are saying here? You would have to add like, well, over 100 pounds for this to be true. Unless you plan on shoveling food into your mouth, you will never gain that much weight. It just won't happen. Plus, if you quit, and you are really ready to quit, you want to quit, you are going to tackle this with a better mindset than just eating to cover your smoking cravings. You are going to feel better, you will be able to walk better, you can exercise more, your lung capacity is going to improve, and you are going to actually lose weight! I dare you to quit smoking and gain weight. You are an amazing talented and smart person, you can take this challenge on with amazing results. Go get them!

2. I will not be able to quit with my spouse, friends all smoking. We will have to do it together. This is tough, but boy, as you go through a change in your life, like dedicating yourself to quitting this unhealthy lifestyle, you have to start thinking for yourself. If you continue the teenage lifestyle practice, that started you into this nightmare of smoking, how are you going to evolve, and adapt into a new and recognizable person? You are more powerful, more mature, and smarter than that follower and pack member. You are the alpha leader of your group, and once you quit, show your resolve, and your success, you will not be alone. Be the best part of your group of friends and family, and step forward, and lead the way!

3. I can't do it right now, bad timing for me. I will wait until,.... Ok, this wait until thing, has been going on for like, 20 years or more! Stop it! You have to take action now. You cannot continue this destructive path that you are on, besides you probably don't even remember how to think without cigarettes. Any time, no matter how bad, is the right time. Even if you lose your best friend to cancer, this is the right time. You need to take control, and use this bad time as the trigger! It will be so powerful for you, can you imagine? You can use this negative time for a positive result. Wow, I can't wait to see what you uncover next after you stop smoking. Stand aside world, you are out to get things really going.

Do not, do not, stop your motivation to quit smoking for one reason, or another. If you are creating reasons, excuses or maybe you are calling them realities, I want you to tear them down. There is no reason to not quit smoking. You just need to really want to do it!

Use your power, use your experiences, and open your mind to your new reality. It is a big, brand new day that you are going to enjoy and conquer. Don't let anything stand in your way!

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Fear and Your Quit Smoking Pledge

Smoking can be a real emotional journey when you begin the habit, and it can be even more so when you decide you have had enough to quit. It is not easy, there were really good reasons when you started, and they all can begin with pleasant reasons. Unfortunately, the emotions brought up can be painful, when you decide to quit.

For this reason, it will be important to have an observational viewpoint on your emotions, before you begin your stop smoking pledge.

Can you for one, remember why you started to smoke? Was it simply because your friends were all smoking, and someone handed you a cigarette? But really, what made you continue the habit? Think back to those days, and how the cigarettes made you feel. It is important for you to recall this feeling, because over the years, you may need to recognize that emotion once again.

Often times, you have fear and anxiety that you have to deal with, and smoking can be a real band aid of sorts to cover up the reality of these emotions. The nicotine in your smoke allows you to take time to calm yourself, and it provides a stimulant that you may then in turn feel more in control. You may have learned how to mask your emotions with the drug, and without it, you will be very venerable to your emotions; especially your anxious feelings and fears.

This all seems stressful reading this too, as it just makes the problem seem real. I know you are now realizing how difficult this is going to be. It really is a powerful new change you are attempting, so don't give up! You can do this, and to tackle your emotions and fears, be sure to try this one tip.

Simply, when you feel anxious and fearful, recognize the feeling through stranger's or outside eyes. Be very open minded, and observant of your feelings. If you feel yourself losing control of your emotions, you can then slow down, and step back and see how this is really working in your head and your heart. Step back and watch.

Some triggers could set you off. You could have real problems with management of stress, anger or some new challenges at work. You have a real chance to also conflict manage these triggers by stepping back and removing yourself emotionally from the situation.

If you feel your blood boil over a coworkers comment, or an event on the drive home, remove yourself from this emotion and scientifically challenge yourself to understand what is really going on. Do you have to take the comment to heart, and maybe you are being more sensitive than is warranted? Why did you get so upset? Can you politely and professionally challenge the comment with a new idea or position?

If this is successful, congratulations! You have evolved from fear to purpose! Remember how you were able to bring forward this result. If you were not successful, do not give up. You just haven't had enough experience to deal with your emotional observation strategy yet. It will work for you eventually.

Then, when you are free of smoking, and these emotional triggers occur, you will be able to objectively manage them without too much craving. Your nicotine solution is no longer there to calm you, but, you now have an even more powerful tool, how to recognize and resolve your emotions.

You now are more in control of your state of mind. Removing yourself from your dramatic, uncontrolled, and frenzied emotional state, will be very powerful in every thing you do. If you can use it to quit smoking, keep your eyes open, and your ears in listening mode, and try to evolve this with any emotion that comes up.

Fear is your biggest weapon when you use it to your advantage. You have the power to place this in a new appreciation in your life, and use it to empower you to complete any task.

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Quitting Smoking Benefits - The Good Stuff Starts Right Away!

Yes, quitting smoking is very much worth the effort.

Within 20 minutes after you smoke that last cigarette, your body begins a series of positive changes that continue for years.

- Your blood pressure starts to go down.

- Your pulse rate drops (My resting pulse has dropped from 84 to 62 since I stopped).

- Your blood circulation begins to improve. This is actually one of the biggest quitting smoking benefits of all. Smoking constricts (makes smaller) your blood vessels and capillaries, which means your heart has to work harder to get blood and oxygen to those places in your body where it needs to go. When you stop smoking your veins and capillaries begin to relax and open up, which lowers the work load on your heart, which is why you'll experience a lower heart rate, lowered risk of heart attack, lower blood pressure, and higher energy level.

The quitting smoking benefits go on and on.

8 hours after your last cigarette:

- The carbon monoxide level in your blood drops to normal (the bad stuff is going away).

- The oxygen level in your blood increases to normal (the good stuff is increasing).

24 hours after your last cigarette:

- Your chance of having a heart attack begins to decrease (I've been told this is a big plus).

48 hours after your last cigarette:

- your damaged nerve endings begin to regrow - your ability to smell and taste begins to improve

The first and most noticeable quitting smoking benefit that I personally experienced was that my cigarette cough, which was terrible before I quit, was almost totally gone after three weeks. Three weeks! Amazing!

The worst nicotine withdrawal symptoms are gone after the first month.

2 Weeks to 3 Months After Quitting

- Your lung function begins to improve. - Circulation improves - Walking becomes easier

1 to 9 Months After Quitting - Your coughing and shortness of breath decrease.

1 Year After Quitting - Your added risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a smoker's.

5 Years After Quitting - Your stroke risk is reduced to that of a nonsmoker's 5-15 years after quitting.

10 Years After Quitting - Your lung cancer death rate is about half that of a smoker's. - Your risk of cancers of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney, and pancreas decreases.

15 Years After Quitting - Your risk of coronary heart disease is back to that of a nonsmoker's.

I hope you're getting the message here.

Aside from the improvements to your physical health, your confidence will soar as you accumulate more smoke-free time. Breaking your nicotine addiction is very empowering.

Depending on what cigarettes cost in your neck of the woods, you'll save close to $2000.00 a year. I'm sure you can think of something to do with that money.

- Your car, your house, and your clothes will no longer reek of cigarette smoke.
- The good stuff goes on and on.


Everything I've written here is true. There are thousands of websites on the internet that will give you the exact same information.

So now we come to the question of how you're going to accomplish this miracle, and why I wrote this article in the first place.

But first you have to decide...

DO YOU REALLY WANT TO QUIT SMOKING? Or are you still looking for excuses?

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Hypnosis for Quitting Smoking - How Does It Work?

Reading the word hypnosis must have reminded you of those old movies which portrayed hypnotists as side show entertainers who can convince people that they are chickens or birds. However, hypnosis is more than making people believe that they are animals. It is about tricking the subconscious into believing a reality, which in your case would be that life is possible without cigarette smoke fogging it.

Hypnosis for Quitting Smoking works in three different ways depending on the method you want to implement it in. Here they are:

? Using a hypnotist - This is a surefire method of Hypnosis for Quitting Smoking because your case will be directly dealt with by an expert. Basically, you will have to become comfortably in a chair and be open to the hypnotist's suggestions. Once the hypnotist gets you in a trance, he/she will bombard you with suggestions that will convince you to leave smoking once and for all.

? Self Hypnosis - If you think your will power is strong enough to help you overcome smoking on your own, then you can try this method of Hypnosis for Quitting Smoking. There are two ways in which you can hypnotize yourself into becoming a healthier, smoke-free person. You can either have a truthful one-on-one session with yourself, or use self hypnosis audio. The latter may be a better idea because it is recorded by an expert hypnotist yet won't cost you as much as a private session would.

? Conversational Hypnosis - This is a kind of hypnosis that can help you convince others to stop smoking. You can't force this on yourself because this method is a "covert" method, which means that it can only be performed on someone else. If you're really concerned about a smoker, you can use this method. However, to make sure that what you say hits the spot, try signing up for a Neuro Linguistic Programming course, as that will teach you the basics of hypnosis.

Using any of these Hypnosis for Quitting Smoking methods can easily cure you as well as your loved ones from smoking. Thus, all of you will be safe from the dangerous effects of smoking, and will be able to live longer and healthier.

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Monday, October 4, 2010

Quit Smoking, Quit Gaining Weight

One day, one fine day, you decide that you are going to quit smoking. It is a real triumphant moment! You have made the choice, and it is because you have let one great excuse slide to the side, you are going to not gain weight during this process.

It is a really scary reality. Many people, whether on purpose or because it seems like a better way to manage, substitute food for the habit of smoking during the early days of cessation.

It is the exact thing that frightens more people from not even trying to quit smoking. Think about this: it stops people from evolving from the largest health risk they have in their lifetime, from stopping the greatest risk to cancer, from adapting into the better person they know they can be, forever.

It is the biggest excuse for many. I want you to really think about this. What if you refuse, yes refuse, to accept this reality. You just simply will not add another bad habit to your constant repetitive motion list.

It will be something you refuse to let occur. You can do this without adding food as a buffer. It is not the solution to your quit smoking pledge. Don't let anything become that other cigarette.

The best way to quit, is to have the motivation and the stamina to control your mind. You have a nicotine induced coma brain-it is full of chemical influences that you cannot control immediately. If you substitute anything, yes anything, for this habit, it will become just as addicting to you in the long run.

An amazing thing is about to occur in your life. You are about to lose a controlling and unrelenting force from your path. It is like a razor blade, always cutting into your thoughts, breaking you from any forward motion, stopping you from growing into a very powerful and positive person.

You have much to accomplish, there is a lot to do! Don't let the fact that you may have bad moments, cravings or regrets sway your resolve. You have decided to remove this destructive force from your life. You are ready to run forward into a brand new day, finding purpose, and great new way of living.

You will not let the excuse of gaining weight stop you. You are more powerful for even being so progressive, and thinking ahead, that you will not let it occur. It just won't happen!

Your right to stop yourself from evolving into an early coffin is just within your grasp. If you assume that you can't fight weight gain, and that you are powerless from it occurring if you quit smoking, you are letting an excuse slowly kill you. Quitting smoking does not increase weight; eating more is what causes weight gain.

Do not confuse yourself, and forget your primary reason for moving forward to quit smoking. It is your nicotine brain causing this thought pattern to grow and prosper.

You are bigger than this excuse.

It is something you will evolve past, and I am proud to say you will not let this stop you.

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Don't Quit Smoking Just Yet - Putting Together A Plan

By Cheryl Hanson Cheryl Hanson
Level: Basic PLUS

A University of Minnesota graduate who has worked in garment manufacturing and research and development in the medical device industry. A progressive thinker, planner and ...

You are really ready to quit smoking, and you want to do it tomorrow. You hear that you need to have a date picked, so why not tomorrow?

Here you are, ready to go! That is fantastic! It is the hardest thing you most likely will do in your life. You should be proud.

But wait...what will you do when a craving hits? Do you have any idea where your trigger places are? Can you trust your determination alone?

This is an addiction, and as such, you need support, a plan, and medical assistance. You are not alone, with this choice, so let's bring in some advice!

We have a great program built for you, and it is a fantastic support network. You are going to need help, and if you don't follow these techniques, it will be harder, and even more likely that you will not succeed.

So, here are some great tips!

Clean up your Car: Chances are you are a big smoker in your car. You will need to freshen it up, by washing all the windows, removing your ashtray completely, and adjusting to not smoking in the car. Try it! Make this one place where a smoke is illegal for you, and even before your stop smoking date.Scrutinize your Home and Office: You have places you sit and smoke. Think of where they are, and write them down. Look around for things that trigger your need for a smoke, maybe it is the remote, a chair or even an outside bench. Write these items down, as you are going to remove them before your stop smoking date. Visit your Doctor: This may be the hardest step you have to take. So, take a breath, and give yourself some time. Call your doctor's office and make an appointment. This will make your effort more real, and it will be stressful. You will need your motivation skills in full gear before tackling this challenge.Purchase some Tools: Your doctor will recommend some nicotine products, maybe a prescription, and there are other plans that can boost you into a prepared anti-smoking beast.Write down your triggers: The most common way to start back smoking is to not see the triggers coming when you should. It will be important up to your stop smoking date, to really understand why you smoke. Write down when you smoke, and what you were doing. When you hit a trigger as an ex-smoker, you will have power over it. You can use a tool to combat, and the feeling will pass. Trust me, you will be ready!Clean up your person: Go to the dentist, do some GTL like the jersey crowd, and invest in a great water bottle. Get yourself a stress ball, some fun toys for your hands to work with, and plan to reward yourself at the end of your first week as an ex-smoker with a new book, software package, or a new hobby. It is a new life!Find support: Your team, your friends and family are going to support you, and will be your best tool to becoming an ex. You have tried to quit before, so don't feel bad if the trust is not there with them initially. You will have to rebuild some of these trust issues if you have had multiple failures. They will be there for you once they catch up to your motivation. Spend some time with them, and explain how excited you are! Don't let any trust issues bring you down, it is only one more hurdle you will have to overcome. Now that you understand it, it has no effect on your outcome.

Remember, motivation, commitment, and your accomplishment lists are the keys to your success. You are only as powerful as your dedication to this task. Is your date a couple of weeks away, and you still aren't sure? Don't start until you are 100% sure. Reading through these ideas above will be great starters to getting you there.

Sometimes smokers don't want to quit because they are tired of failing. You will have some failures! Don't be ridiculous! You are addicted to a powerful drug, nicotine, which has your brain chemistry in its greedy little grasp. Your willingness to allow it to do so is at your own peril-so do not give up for this one excuse.

Walk through the forest, and understand each step takes you closer to the end of the path. You are at the threshold of finding your new life. Look around, take a breath, and decide that you are ready.

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Article Submitted On: September 10, 2010

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When to Use Stop Smoking Gum?

Strange as it may seem, you have top pass certain requirements before you can actually quit smoking. There are valid reasons for this, and in this article we will be taking a look at a stop smoking gum as an example. The nicotine gum is one of the most popular and preferred approaches to smoking cessation. However, this approach may not work for you, depending on certain circumstances, or should I say, whether you pass the "requirements". After reading this article, you will be able to determine if you are good enough to use the nicotine gum.

Requirement #1 - Know What It Is For

Lots of smokers jump into nicotine gums and patches without knowing what they really are for. Sure, it's a given that these products, collectively known as parts of nicotine replacement therapy, supplies nicotine to your bloodstream without the hole-drilling effects of cigarettes. This is nice and all, but simply treating it that way can lead you to just using them as an alternative to smoking, which it isn't. It is the first step to not ever smoking again.?

Requirement #2 - Know How to Use It

By using nicotine gums, you've taken the first step to not smoking. What's left is to rid you of your nicotine addiction. With that said, you have to gradually reduce your nicotine intake. This doesn't happen overnight, a few days, or a few weeks. This takes time hence the need for planning. If you're planning to use nicotine gums, follow a set program provided by your therapist. You should have a say in the program as well, as only you know how much you are truly capable of.

Requirement #3 - Know That You Want To Quit

The problem with nicotine gums is that they give you the nicotine. This retains the attachment between you and the addictive substance. A lot of smokers have went back to smoking simply because they couldn't let nicotine go, and cigarettes are cheaper than gums. Only determination can remedy this, which is why you have to know how much you want to quit. A strong personal drive to kick the habit is all you need to do so. Nicotine gums merely provide assistance.

Note that these requirements aren't just for usage of a stop smoking gum. These can also be applied to whatever smoking cessation approach you need. For instance, hypnosis is effective but can't help you if you don't want to quit in the first place. Look deep down inside yourself to see how much you want a smoke free life. The stronger the drive, the better your chances are.

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Quit Smoking Today - The Secret That Can Have You Smoke-Free Today

Do you want to quit smoking today? That is great, no better time then the present when it comes to quitting smoking. Every day that you continue your deadly habit the greater your chances become of falling victim to any number of fatal diseases that are the common destiny of smokers.

Why wait to become smoke-free? You do not have to wait until New Year's, your birthday, until you get to the end of this pack, or any other time you have set in your mind as the next "best time" to finally quit smoking.

But isn't it hard to quit smoking? I mean, that is what we hear all the time, right? How nicotine is the most addictive substance on the face of the earth and it takes several attempts until you finally break from its deadly grip.

That simply is not true if you know the secret to quitting cigarette smoking. Once you are privy to this secret then you can quit smoking today, it actually is quite easy. If you give me a few more moments of your time I will share this secret with you and point you in the direction of a smoke-free life.

You see, I want you to be an ex-smoker, I want you to live a long, healthy life. Why? Let's just say I have seen the suffering and ultimate price that is paid by life-long smokers and I do not want to see that happen to anyone else. So I am sharing the secret to quit smoking far and wide to help as many smokers quit their fatal habit as possible.

Many smokers who want to kick the smoking habit believe that in order to stop smoking they have to tackle and beat their physical addiction to nicotine. That is not true. It is possible to stop smoking that way, but the results typically do not last long or it takes numerous attempts to finally gain a period of being smoke-free. Even then they may still start smoking again even years later because they never addressed the real addiction that smoking causes.

What is the real addiction? It is the psychological addiction to smoking. This addiction is much, much stronger than the physical addiction to nicotine. And that, my friends, is the secret to quit smoking today; address the mental, or psychological, addiction to smoking and you can quickly and permanently quit smoking.

How do you do this? It is quite easily actually. Use a smoking cessation technique that is specifically designed to remove the psychological addiction to smoking; NLP. What is NLP? It is a powerful form of hypnotherapy that is very easy to use right in your own home to remove the mental cravings to smoke.

NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming and it is a form of hypnotherapy that uses today's technology to allow you to remove the mental addiction to smoke by simply listening to a specially formatted recording you can download from the Internet. For many all it takes is one listen of an NLP based recording to have their cravings to smoke permanently removed; they simply listen to an NLP recording and they quit smoking today.

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Quit Smoking and Win a Million Bucks

What if someone told you that you would win 1 Million Dollars if you quit smoking today? And, by the way, you needed to stay an ex-smoker for a year before you saw any of the money.

I am a movie buff, and a funny movie with Joe Pesci and Rodney Dangerfield had this idea in the premise. Not only did he have to give up smoking, but drinking too!

He was not ready, he was a complete addict, and the picture didn't look good. The fun around the struggles made the movie a great laugh. He did finally win in the end, but not without the support of his family and friends. He had lots of times where he was really close to losing out on the money, but in the end he found the strength to succeed.

This is a Hollywood movie, and you are not going to have this type of offer! It is too bad too, as anyone who gives up smoking should be rewarded. And in reality they are.

Think of the money you could save by not smoking. You may be spending anywhere from 3-4 dollars a day on smokes or more! If you are a regular smoker, you may go through 30 packs in a month. This adds up to a conservative figure of $120 a month, $1440 a year, and if you smoke for 20 years, $28,800!

Think of what you could have done with that $1440 in a money market fund, or even a simple savings account. With compound interest, you easy could reach a million dollars by the time you retire!

Not only that, but what if you continue to smoke? Will you even get to retirement? Smoking is the most dangerous habit you can have, as it will seriously limit your lifetime in ways you can never wish to think.

Cancer, heart and lung disease, and liver failure can all be indications from smoking. It is a well known cause of premature births in pregnant mothers, and can bring on depression in some people. There are addictive forces at work during the drug delivery such as compensation for brain chemical and hormone interactions that can cause a lack of mental focus and clarity.

The biochemical and biological issues related to coronary and vessel disease are documented, and can be related to some kidney ailments. The list of health concerns goes on an on. It is a true economic concern for both governments, and individuals as you continue the thread of money through the health system.

If the current path of a smoker continues, not only does this path include illness, but also the economic challenges of paying for such illness. Health will be a factor, and disability will be an early indication during the last stages of life.

Clearly, the economic and social demands of the smoker are not fully communicated when the flashy ads for the Cowboy Man are presented. I guess he just rides off into the sunset, cigarette in hand, without much worry about the challenges of the risk he has taken.

So, what does this sad truth mean? For starters, if you decide to empower yourself and quit smoking, you have just hit the jackpot! Not only will you instantly save money from cigarette smoking, but your health will improve, and you will have less risk for any of the cancers, and illnesses that plague a smoker.

Think of the cruise you can take, and that happy house in Florida in your golden years. I bet you would rather have that picture in your mind versus an oxygen tank in tow.

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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Giving Up Smoking - Musings on Methods of Success

The No-Smoking Day people in the UK say that 70% of smokers would like to stop. And smokers determined to quit try, try and try again until they are finally free.

Everybody has heard of hypnotherapy, patches, Zyban, and nicotine gum. There also new methods emerging as particularly effective with smoking, such as EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques, otherwise known as Tapping) and acupuncture. Other methods I have heard people getting success with are Reiki, spiritual healing, crystal healing, Shiatsu, Yoga, meditation, religion or worship, and Tai Chi.

Some ex-smokers-to-be avoid all the smoking triggers for a few months while they quit. This includes having tea or coffee, having an alcoholic drink, changing the rules about where smoking is allowed in the home, and avoiding friends who are smokers.

Others change their habits. This includes which hand they hold the cigarette in, changing the brand of cigarette or using roll-ups, changing their lighter to matches, and so on.

Of course, there is always the trick of replacing one habit by another. For example, some ex-smokers-to-be drink water instead of having a cigarette in order to replace one habit by another. Commonly, it is food which replaces the cigarettes; and some ex-smokers simply choose to overeat for a while until they are completely over the cigarettes. Then they go on a diet or a fitness regime in order to lose the weight. Others take up an intensive physical training regime from the get-go, partly to replace the smoking bad habit with the exercise good habit.

And aversion can be quite an important factor in turning one's back to cigarettes forever. Some would say that maybe if one were to observe some of the terrible smoking related diseases, one would not hesitate to quit and not need to spend money on hypnosis, EFT, NLP, accupuncture, and so on. Surely just by opening one's eyes to the terrible reality of smoking consequences, one can be cured of smoking and cravings forever?

Well, this works for some. But I got one of those terrible smoking related diseases and I still couldn't stop. I ended up preparing for my death so my children will be looked after. Then finally, I was helped to give up smoking. It is wonderful for all the lucky people who can give up smoking by willpower or by facing the facts. The rest of us need a little help, and there is nothing wrong with that. We all spend money on something or other. Spending money on health is surely a good thing. I am worth it, and so are all the clients that I and the many excellent stop-smoking practitioners that I know have helped to quit.

? Suzanne Zacharia 2010. Complementary and alternative health education and empowerment is my passion. My name is Suzanne Zacharia and I am committed to empowering people to take control of their health and wellness. A virus caught along with 5 other students at university at the end of 1986, plus medical negligence, meant that I got smokers lung at a relatively young age. In desperation for help with my symptoms and quality of life, I turned to complementary therapy, and this is beyond a decade that I have outlived one doctor's prognosis. I am now a complementary therapist, author and trainer. My big passion is to to help others stop smoking, as in my

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Suzanne Zacharia - EzineArticles Expert Author

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The Shocking Reality Of Kicking The Habit?

Today most people are fighting a losing battle with trying to quit smoking. You may ask how I know? I was on of the statistics and had been smoking for almost 25 years. It was literally a habit that controlled my life. No matter where I was or what I was doing I had to had my cigarettes. Like we need air to live I needed cigarettes. Now for people that don't smoke criticizing the ones that do is easy, but in reality it is much, much harder than it looks. Most people that quit smoking usually only last a short period. This is why it is crucial to have a plan and follow through with it. Having support is another big thing.

Now I know from experience that trying to avoid stressful moments was a big part for me. The minute something started to stress me out I would want a smoke. I eventually learned how to cope with it using a little strategy, one that I was most comfortable with. Another thing that comes to mind is the fact that eating disorder is a big scare. To be honest with you I actually lost weight for the fact I was able to jog and workout where before it was very hard for me. Smoking is such a energy hog, it will take every bit of energy you do have and leaves you breathless. One thing you have to remember is that you need to take baby steps. Like with all goals it will take a little bit of want on your side. I know procrastination loves to chomp at the bits on you so what I do is try to trick her.

I just take little steps towards what I need to do. One thing you have to remember is if your trying to quit, don't put yourself down if you don't make it right away. Does anyone? Try to think of it this way, look at all the cons you get out of your life, Odors, bad health, cancer, shortness of breath, wasting money and the list literally goes on and on and on. Here is what you can do starting today. I want you to sit back and actually take a moment to think, Ok figure out why you want to quit. Now that you have that, work on just one thing at a time, don't get in a rush. Another thing that helped me is I thoroughly cleansing my system. I drank a lot of green tea and water. This helped me just flush my system to get a fresh start. Always keep a positive mind no matter what.

There are many ways to help you if you would like to learn more tips on how to help you fight this battle and Stop Smoking be sure to check out this website and get the help and support you need in you fight against smoking.

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Give Up Smoking And Live A Much Healthier Life

Smokers comprise a large percentage of the international population, and while many folks are fully knowledgeable about the perils of this horrible vice, there are countless others who view it as an undesirable habit that brings about medical problems and aren't familiar with the exact dangers. If you're a smoker, you ought to get exhaustive information about the consequences so that you will be encouraged to stop smoking cigarettes permanently. This article provides the reasons why you must give up using tobacco.

One of the biggest repercussions of smoking is that it reduces your natural life span. Many scientific studies reveal that individuals who light up cigarettes on a regular basis remove 14 and a half years from their projected life span! These scientific studies also indicate that 50% of the overall population of regular and longtime smokers who do not overcome their dependence in their lifetime are likely to pass on sooner. Based on these statistics, one in two people will pass on earlier because of cigarette smoking.

Pride is an excellent motivator for individuals to stop using tobacco; many folks wish to keep their visual appeal as well as ensure that they grow older gracefully and have a youthful appearance. Sadly, tobacco use accelerates a person's natural aging process, and nicotine users truly appear much more mature in comparison to folks who do not smoke cigarettes! Cigarette smoking causes your skin to develop wrinkles faster, worsens facial lines and results in darker skin discolourations. The greatest anti-aging solution is to quit using tobacco, and you'll notice an enormous improvement as soon as you drop your cigarettes and stop lighting up!

However, it is not just your physical appearance that would be badly impacted by tobacco use. It's been determined that tobacco users possess a higher chance of going bald sooner, plus having their mane change from its normal hue to grey. This would surely make you look older than your true age.

The reasons for quitting cigarette smoking wouldn't be complete without a rundown of the prospective medical conditions that you'll acquire if you continue to light up cigarettes. Smoking is associated with some types of cancer, with emphysema as the most prevalent. The other types of cancer that you can get if you do not give up using tobacco now are kidney and throat cancer. A few of the other organs that will be impacted by your nasty tobacco habit include the head, neck, esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, urinary bladder, suprarenal glands, gallbladder, small intestine and breasts. Aside from these, smoking boosts your odds of suffering from AML or acute myeloid leukemia, cervical cancer, squamous cell sinonasal cancer and colorectal cancer. Basically, smoking makes it improbable that you will still be alive beyond 60-70 years old.

The most important internal organ that smoking impacts would be the heart. Smoking causes your heartbeat to rise up to three times greater than the normal rate, as well as decreases the ability of your blood to bring direly needed oxygen from and to the heart. You'll have a bigger chance of having heart disease, peripheral arterial disease, atherosclerosis and also stroke if you go on smoking cigarettes. Moreover, cigarette smoking will result in the narrowing of your blood vessels, which can then trigger blocked arteries that cause cerebrovascular accidents and acute myocardial infarctions.

Physicians, medical books and studies will all disclose that there are other problems that tend to appear in nicotine junkies. Tuberculosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic bronchitis are more prevalent in nicotine junkies than nonsmokers. Another health-related effect is that tobacco use would damage your body's defense mechanism and make it more vulnerable to illnesses and infections.

It is important to have a long and healthy life; besides acquiring a lot more chances to make the most of it and do what you want to do, you also live longer for your relatives and pals. Tobacco use is a pretty damaging vice with all sorts of negative effects, including a shorter life span, quicker ageing process and greater chances of struggling with lung and heart diseases. If you needed terrific reasons to stop smoking cigarettes, those stated in this article are more than sufficient!

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Benefits of Not Smoking Are Wonderful - Better Late Than Never!

The benefits of not smoking can be obtained even in the old age. There is no age restriction to try and quit the habit of smoking. If you are in the habit of smoking, aside from being told off at each chance by anti-smoking groups, you will be aware without a doubt that smoking is not good for your wellbeing. Just consider why these anti- smoking people always come down so hard on smokers? What's the reason behind their slogans wanting you to stop smoking? The answer lies in the benefits of not smoking gained from quitting this habit. Knowing this, one can safely assume that even quitting in old age may be beneficial.

Among the main benefits of not smoking is a reduced risk of contracting cancer. Smoke can be synonymous, literally, with the act of consuming cancer-causing carcinogenic stuff each time you breathe in the smoke. The cancer- causing agents are immersed in your blood and stick on to any surface of the body coming in touch with these agents. Over a period of time, these carcinogens affect body cells. This overwhelms your body and somewhere down the line, increases the chances of your having cancer. Among the benefits of not smoking, even in old age, is cutting down this risk. This risk starts diminishing as soon as you quit smoking.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or COPD, as it is commonly known, generally afflicts smokers. This disease means long standing harm to lung functioning. Emphysema and Bronchitis are the two major variations of COPD. The majority of smokers go through the pain of bronchitis, attributable to the irritation of drawing in the hot, noxious smoke directly into their lungs on an hourly basis. This becomes noticeable in the form of breathlessness and the peculiar cough of the smoker, which throws up the surplus of mucus formed as a result of this smoke. Avoiding this pain in the old age is one of the benefits of not smoking.

Smokers have a much higher risk of suffering a stroke, above all, in their old age. The basis for this is not apparent, but it is considered that very similar processes that bring about solidification of the arteries in smokers are linked to this risk. One of the Benefits of not smoking in old age is cutting down your chances of suffering a stroke, which increase with each passing minute after a certain age.

Thus, it is never too late to give up smoking. But the sooner you do it, the better it is.

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How Does Smoking Cigarettes Affect The Lungs?

With all the dangers of cigarette smoking, many have asked "How does smoking affect the lungs?" There's no doubt that long term first and second hand smoke is extremely hazardous, and when it comes to the lungs, cancer is not the only health risk you have when you smoke cigarettes for years. Among the other risks are: Pneumonia, bronchitis, and emphysema.

Pneumonia is an inflammatory condition which occurs in the lungs. This condition can develop by bacterial, viral, and fungal infections reaching the alveoli in the lungs. When this happens, fluid fills alveoli and creates inflammation in the lungs. Some of the symptoms of pneumonia are: cough with mucus, fever, shaking, shallow breathing and shortness of breath, chest pains, increased heart rate, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. To top it off, Pneumonia can be fatal, and about 5% of severe conditions left untreated result in death.

The most common respiratory infection that occurs due to smoking is bronchitis. The chemicals in cigarettes irritate the lining of your bronchial tubes which can greatly increase your risk for infection. The Bronchi become swollen, making it much more difficult to breathe since air is not able to pass through the airways normally. There is also a very thin layer of mucus that lines the bronchial tubes, and when these become inflamed, they will leak fluids that will build up in the lungs as mucus and ultimately lead to this infection. In response to the mucus buildup, your body's natural reflex will be to cough continually until the mucus has been removed. Constant coughing will stress your lungs beyond their limit and cause severe chest pain. While this is not a fatal condition, it can be extremely painful nonetheless, and may eventually lead to chronic bronchitis.

Emphysema occurs when the alveolar walls in the lungs become damaged. The lung is composed of many alveoli (tiny sacs), which take in oxygen, process it, and distribute it to your bloodstream. When you smoke, the chemicals enter these sacs and over time will begin to cause them to petrify. The reason being is that, in your lungs, there are defensive cells called macrophages. These cells destroy particles that enter your lungs, but when they do, they release materials which can destroy proteins in your lungs such as collagen and elastin. These proteins are what help your lungs expand and contract, and the absence of them leads to petrification of the lungs.

These are just a few examples of how smoking affects the lungs. There are many more conditions you could possibly develop if you continue to smoke. Some are more severe, while others less. Either way, your best bet is to quit smoking now before these conditions can develop in your body.

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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Hypnosis Can Help You Become Smoke Free - For Life!

If you are a smoker, I don't need to lecture you on how bad smoking is. I am sure you have heard it a million times before.

Maybe you have already tried many times to stop smoking. Perhaps with the patch, gum or even medication. Maybe you have tried cold turkey. Perhaps you have even succeeded for a few days, weeks or even months.

But then you find yourself somewhere, having a drink of beer, out with a friend who smokes or perhaps at a time of stress and you tell yourself "I can have just one".

The moment that you light up it seems as though the habit comes back instantly. Why is this? It is because the habit of smoking still remains in your mind. Even though it went away for a while it comes back full force.

This is most likely because you have not worked on the real issues around smoking and the habit itself.

Hypnosis actually can help you remove the thought of smoking from your mind by developing different thinking about cigarettes. Instead of enjoying the taste, smell or feeling that a cigarette has you can build an aversion towards it so that it reminds you of food that you dislike.

You can even uncover the initial reason why you smoked in the first place and work to change that decision to a more positive one using age regression.

By developing a different perspective on cigarettes and the habit itself it can lead to permanent smoking cessation.

Many people have used hypnosis to stop smoking. It is a very powerful tool to do so. But it only works, like any form of change, when you are truly ready.

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Quit Smoking Tips That Can Kick Smoking Habit Permanently

Smoking excessively can become a bad habit that makes it harder to Quit Smoking. Every year, the age of smokers are getting younger and the smoker population is only increasing. Even teens have adopted the habit due to peer pressure or because they find it normal to do with the adults also smoking by example. What they do not know is that smoking one stick of a cigarette can shorten their lifespan by the minute. The younger the age when they started smoking, the shorter their life expectancy.

Life expectancy shortage due to smoking is mainly because of the adverse effects of smoking to the general health of an individual. It can cause diseases in the respiratory system - lung cancer being one of the most known results of smoking. It also destroys the nerves and the other organs due to the thousands of chemical in one sniff of a smoke. This scenario is very hard to imagine for young smokers to imagine believing that they are still at their prime and cannot be affected by any disease. They fail to recognize the final end result of their smoking.

Fortunately, the awareness organization of anti-smoking had successfully passed a motion for the mandatory posting of actual pictures of diseases caused by smoking in the smoking packaging. This is in the hope of telling the actual possible outcome of smoking to all its current users.

So how do an individual kick the bad smoking habit? It takes two factors to consider to permanently stop smoking and this include the mental and physical aspects of curing addictions. Smoking can be addictive due to the large component of nicotine in a cigarette. Nicotine is as addictive as cocaine and heroin and considered as a bad addiction.

The physical aspects of curing smoking is dealing with the withdrawal symptoms of smoking. Withdrawal symptoms can include irritability, restlessness, and feeling always tense. This is how the body reacts to the sudden lack of nicotine in the system. And so this requires gradual taking out of nicotine from a quitter. This is usually termed as nicotine replacement therapy wherein the smoking habit is replaced with the use of controlled nicotine substitution preparations like nicotine patches, gum or medication. Usually, the dosage of these nicotine substitution is directed in the instructions or as prescribed by the doctor. By and by, the smoking of cigarettes is eliminated with the body gradually adjusting to the lesser nicotine supply from the substitute preparations. This has been one of the most proven tips in quitting smoking.

Another aspect of quitting the smoking habit is by managing the mental challenges of smoking. This is usually done by joining or consulting with related support groups or counseling. One usually joins a community of smoking quitters who can help understand the smoking addiction and slowly persuade the quitter to give up on smoking in the end.

Kick a bad habit for good like smoking takes time and patience. There is no sudden recovery or quitting that is humanly possible without ugly consequences. Take the initial step of quitting smoking to have a longer life.

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Health Benefits of Not Smoking

If you are an addict and having trouble quitting smoking, considering the immense health benefits of not smoking can make your resolve stronger. A deadly addiction in the disguise of a great aphrodisiac, smoking causes extensive damage to your body. The nicotine and carbon monoxide that you intake with the cigarette smoke affects your respiratory tract the most. It coats your lung with soot and damages your lung tissue exposing you to the risk of cancer. Smoking is alone responsible for millions of deaths every year.

If you can make a resolution and stand by it, the health benefits of not smoking begin from the moment you throw away your last cigarette. As the levels of harmful chemicals go down in your circulation, your body would gradually begin to heal itself. However, quitting smoking is often accompanied by strong withdrawal symptoms. An addict may gain weight from fluid retention; experience sore and dry throat and tongue; and feel restless, short tempered, edgy, tired, or even excessively hungry. But these are just temporary symptoms, which are part of the body's process of getting rid of the nicotine.

The health benefits of not smoking are many and can be experienced over a period of time. Smoking causes the arteries of your heart to get hardened and narrowed, which increases the risk of formation of blood clots and leads to high blood pressure and several other coronary heart diseases. When you quit smoking, as the nicotine level starts falling, in a few minutes your pulse rate and blood pressure will come down to normal level. And within 24 hours the risk of a heart attack will get reduced by half. In the next few months your blood circulation will improve greatly leading to increased oxygen saturation and revitalization of damaged tissues. You can experience a significant change in yourself as your energy levels return to normal and your sinus congestion, coughing fits, and fatigue reduce considerably.

As smoking affects more or less all organs of your body, the health benefits of not smoking also include healing of your entire body. With a detoxed body, increased energy levels, and restored lung function, your fitness levels will improve greatly. The bouts of common cold and tonsillitis will also reduce. Quitting smoking also has a positive psychological impact. Your mood swings will reduce and you will experience an overall sense of well-being.

Benefits of not smoking also include restoration of fertility and prolonged childbearing age. By quitting smoking a pregnant mother can expect a healthy child. While chances of having bronchitis, emphysema, pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases decrease, the biggest health benefit of not smoking is that you can protect yourself from cancer.

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Quit Smoking Right Now - How The Successful Few Quit Smoking Instantly & How You Can Do The Same

Most people fail to quit smoking right now because they go about quitting smoking the wrong way. If you try to quit like everyone else, then no matter how hard you try or no matter what your desire or commitment to stopping smoking, it will inevitably fail in the long run whether that be one day or three years or even forty years.

Most people fail not because quitting is tough, but because they have been given the wrong information on how to quit. It is possible to quit smoking with the right method in an instant. I'm not referring to hypnosis, but what im referring to is how people are able to quit in an instant while others battle to quit for years.

If you have been smoking for more than a year and realise that you are not getting anything from smoking and would like to be free from this nightmare, then realise that you will find it easier to quit than someone who has just started out, the main reason is that you no longer realise that you get anything from smoking. The illusion of pleasure has passed and you now realise that you are a slave to this drug.

Once you realise this, then stopping right now or quitting in an instant becomes almost automatic. Most people quit without thinking of the reasons why they started smoking in the first place, if you do not realise why you started smoking in the first place, then you will find it very tough to quit smoking.

I stopped in an instant the minute I realised that there was nothing to give up, you see most smokers fail because they think they are losing something when in fact I knew I was gaining, this is the trick to stopping.

Why would you quit something you enjoy? Would you quit your favourite sport? Not unless you injured yourself, but even then you wouldn't go about simply quitting for good, you would continue to follow the sport through magazines and television.

With smoking there is nothing to quit! You are not quitting smoking, you are gaining! You are getting back to normal, the normal you before you began smoking.

My name is Brian Jeffries and I was a chain smoker for years, I smoked continually. At the age of 19 I was smoking around 50-60 cigarettes per day. I knew that it would soon kill me but continued to smoke for years despite the fact that I had asthma.

I read numerous books on the market to only find they were written my non smokers which tended to be ghost writers writing for publishing companies while the other books on the market were more the scientific type which never helped me at all, they always seemed to tell me and im sure you what we already know about smoking and that is that it was killing us.

He then made a remarkable discovery of how to quit in an instant. This was without hypnosis and without any quit smoking aid, he quit smoking forty cigarettes per day and never craved a single cigarette ever since.

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Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Methods - What Are They?

Basically, there are two quit smoking hypnotherapy methods that you can use to quit smoking: hypnosis by a professional hypnotherapist and self-hypnosis. A hypnotherapist is a certified therapist (or must be) and is trained to help you stop smoking using inspirational words and images. Most hypnotherapists offer hypnosis programs that consist of multiple sessions, while some offer one-session programs. Self-hypnosis, on the other hand, involves techniques that help you to relax and direct yourself through images that make it easy to give up smoking. However, self-hypnosis requires both time and practice to master. A third option is a mixture of the above two methods: recorded audio and video hypnosis programs by professional therapists that you can listen to in the comfort of your home or place of work. This option is much more affordable than attending programs run by professionals.

What hypnotherapy does is that it gets you into a highly relaxed state whereby you accept suggestions that strengthen your will and determination to quit smoking. The decision to stop smoking is not an easy one. Many smokers are unable to stop because of their psychological attachment to cigarettes. If you think that you don't have the mental strength to get rid of your smoking habit, then you should choose quit smoking hypnotherapy methods. After undergoing the process, you are likely to disconnect from your emotional attachment to cigarettes and understand the risks associated with smoking.

Regardless of smoking hypnotherapy methods you choose, the treatment can help you to leave the emotion and psychological reasons you smoke and achieve the goal of stopping. However, the success of any quit smoking hypnotherapy will depend on the degree of commitment you show. After all, it is your determination and hard work that will allow you to get rid of your smoking habit. Your commitment and an effective quit smoking hypnotherapy can really help you become a permanent non-smoker and enjoy a healthier lifestyle.

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Friday, October 1, 2010

Why Most Quit Smoking Remedies Don't Work

It's automatic

You started smoking gradually and naturally, right? You might have seen your parents or authority figures smoking. Maybe someone gave you your first cigarette in a social setting. You took a few puffs with friends, they rewarded you with acceptance, next thing you know, you are buying a pack of cigarettes at the store.

With about 1 mg of nicotine ingested with each cigarette, over time you become addicted to the nicotine. However, besides the physical nicotine addiction, your smoking habit develops an "automatic" mental addiction that becomes a deeply embedded, very human need. It's a very powerful combination that can keep you enslaved with no way out without a good plan

To overcome this powerful addictive habit, doesn't it make the sense that the best way for you to stop smoking is to address both the automatic mental addiction as well as the nicotine addiction?

It's not just physical

This is why if you want to quit for good, you can't just address the physical addiction to nicotine. If you only use nicotine patches, gum and lozenges, or prescription nicotine receptor blockers like some top-selling prescription drugs, you still have a 63% chance or better that you will return to smoking.

You may also think you can quit with "cold" laser beams, "electric" cigarettes, hypnosis and cold turkey. Studies show these have a low success rate of 5% to 13% success.

If you try quit using cold turkey, about 95% of smokers will smoke again after a year.

Most of these "quick fix" treatments and nicotine products don't work well because they only address one component of your habit, the nicotine addiction, but not the whole "automatic habit" process. Many smokers mistakenly misunderstand this, thinking it's only about the nicotine. The result is they have a high chance of going back to smoking after quitting.

Like any powerful love relationship, it's not just the physical, it's the human emotional and mental part, too.

Here is a breakdown of studies on quit smoking treatments and their success rates results after one year:

top-selling smoking prescription drug: 37%top-selling anti-depressant smoking prescription drug: 30%Nicotine replacement (Gum, lozenge, inhaler, patch): 15%Cold turkey: 5%cold laser: no studies availablehypnosis acupuncture, herbs treatment: no known studiesexpensive inpatient hospital and clinics: 23 to 45%

The two factors of your smoking habit

The best approach to quit smoking so you quit for good, is to addresses both aspects of the smoking habit: the physical nicotine, and the automatic mental component.

You want to break the automatic part of the habit while at the same time reducing the amount of nicotine

By quitting in this comprehensive way, you quit for good. Permanently. This means you won't have any more urges or cravings to smoke, and you don't fall back into the habit again.

Many smokers wish for an easy solution like popping a couple of pills to cure years of cigarette smoking habits, but that is no sure thing. Worse, the side effects of some of these quit-smoking prescription drugs are - literally - suicidal.

To quit smoking for good, make sure you employ both the physical and the mental aspects of the smoking habit, to overcome your very "human" need to continue a habit, once you start one.

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How To Quit Smoking Cigarette - Ten Highly Effective Steps

It has been proven that smokers take quitting as a very gargantuan task to undertake! Frankly, if one has been smoking for a while, quitting smoking should actually be a gradual process. In this article, I will show you ten surefire steps that will show you how to quit smoking cigarette!

Step one: You must start by having a mindset to quit or start by drastically reducing the quantity of cigarette you take daily. You only need to have a picture oh the way people that do not smoke feel about smokers, take a deep look at the social effects of smoking to your life and the health effects, you will sure agree with me that you sure to learn how to quit smoking cigarette!

Step two: Get loads of "quit smoking" informational help: There is a popular saying that only those that have been there can say the story better! Same applies to o achieving your aim! The major and most important thing you need to do is talk to ex-smokers about how they quit and what help they used. Visit related sites and gather materials and products. Visit your local help office if there is one around. And finally, try as much as possible to regularly fight the urge to smoke and in no time, you will surely see results!

Step three: Reduce the number of sticks you take daily: This is the most important step of them all! You should endeavor to reduce the number of sticks you take daily from ten down to like five and then three and then one till nil!

Step four: Fix a quitting date for yourself: Like I earlier said, you need to have a mindset to quit smoking. Stop going to those places where you tend to smoke more or smoke at all. Visit restaurants that do not allow smoking! Reward yourself for not smoking. Exercise regularly and before you know it, you just conquered the spirit of smoking!

Step five: Do not smoke all the time: Substitute smoking with other healthy activities like; taking a walk when you feel the urge to smoke, go fishing, surf the web, go swimming. Just get yourself fixed up!

Step 6: Make up your mind to quit today: Start the week by making up your mind to quit and make sure the next week is smoke free! Doing this will actually make you feel you can really get a solution to it!

Step seven: Endeavor to go a month without smoking: Imagine a smoker of years or decades who decides to quit smoking. He then makes a month without smoking! He must feel so accomplished. Try this out! Go your first month without smoking and to your surprise, you have started counting the months at which you quit smoking!

Step eight: Engage in more activities that help quit smoking: Exercise is a very useful tool towards quitting smoking. Go on a weekend shopping spree. Just engage in some activity that differs from smoking and its environs.

Step nine: Try doing 365 days without smoking! It's sure possible. If you have gone a week, a month, three months, six months and so on without smoking, what stops you from clocking a year, three years and so on? Go ahead and beat it. You can surely learn how to quit smoking cigarette.

Step ten: Celebrate with your folks: Make your friends know you have really conquered smoking by throwing a party when you clock a year without smoking.

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If You Are Ready to Cease Smoking Then You Are Ready for NLP

Are you ready to cease smoking? Well, good for you. Making the decision to quit smoking is the best decision you will ever make in your life. Make no bones about it; smoking is a deadly habit and if you continue smoking then chances are good you will not live the full and healthy life you deserve.

But, if you cease smoking you will begin to experience so many benefits. From feeling healthier, to living longer, even having a fatter wallet, the benefits of being smoke-free are many and all good. But how do you get there? How to you beat back and conquer the strongest addiction and worst habit you have ever had?

I can answer that question with three simple letters: NLP.

NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic programming and it is the most powerful smoking cessation technique available to help smokers become ex-smokers. NLP is a powerful form of hypnotherapy that is being used by smoking cessation experts with astonishing results. The good news is that you can now use NLP techniques in your own home to quit smoking easily and permanently.

Why use NLP as your smoking cessation method?

NLP is very powerful: Smokers who use NLP techniques to quit smoking enjoy a greater than 97% success rate according to a recent study of 5,000 smokers who used NLP techniques to quit smoking. You simply will not find that kind of success rate with any other smoking cessation technique.

NLP is easy to use: It does not require a trip to see a hypnotherapist or professional. NLP based smoking cessation recordings are now available that are every bit as effective as visiting an NLP hypnotherapist in person. All you have to do is put on a pair of headphones and let the recording put you into a very peaceful state and it does its job of removing the cravings to smoke from your subconscious.

NLP is inexpensive: Unlike smoking cessation medication or the patch there are no repeated, ongoing costs with NLP. All you have to do is get an NLP smoking cessation recording and listen to it. There are no additional or ongoing expenses.

NLP is all natural: As a form of hypnotherapy NLP is all natural. You will not experience any of the scary or unpleasant side effects that are often associated with smoking cessation medications or the patch.

So if you want to cease smoking you can see that there are many great reasons to try NLP as your smoking cessation technique. Do not mess around with other techniques that offer low success rates, are expensive, and have unpleasant side effects. NLP is powerful, easy to use, and all natural. It is, hands down, the best way to quit smoking.

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Important Information About Smoking

We know that smoking is bad for our health and it is highly addictive because of its active substance, nicotine. Once you get hooked, it is really difficult to stop. Every time you try to stop, your body goes on withdrawal because it is craving for nicotine. Migraines and the craving for smoking are common withdrawal symptoms. It is a very unpleasant feeling so smokers would rather continue smoking. Below are need-to-know facts about smoking.

A cigarette does not only contain nicotine but around 4000 chemicals as well. These chemicals are known to cause cancer and are very dangerous for your health.

Tar is produced when you are smoking and through regular smoking, tar can be very hazardous to your body. Tar contains nicotine and when inhaled, it can pass through the bloodstream and reach the brain in just a matter of seconds. Give it another 5 seconds and it will reach the different parts of your body.

Studies show that smokers have a high prevalence of lung cancer and it is considered to be one of the main causes of death every year. Aside from cancer, you may also develop respiratory and heart ailments. There are a lot of disadvantages of smoking, it not only does harm to your body, but it greatly reduces your lifespan as well.

You should also know that smoking also harms the persons around you. Your family may be in danger if you keep on smoking. Second-hand smoking is even more dangerous than first-hand smoking. The health of your family is affected and if you do not want them acquiring lungs and heart problems, then it might be best if you decide to stop now.

There is also reduced facial charm on your part. Because smoking decreases circulation in the body, long time smokers will notice that their teeth are turning yellowish and their lips becoming dry and cracked. His or her breath will also reek of tobacco and no one would want to talk to someone with bad breath.

These are just some facts about smoking. There are no positive effects of smoking so don't try it. Smoking will just get you addicted therefore causing problems for you and your family.

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Learn How You Could Acquire The Most Suitable Smoking Cessation Products

Tobacco use is a really horrible vice that affects a substantial portion of the world population. There are lots of people who want to kick their dependence for good, but are unaware of what they could undertake as well as what solutions and products they can use to decrease their hardships. If you're a tobacco user and would love to have a much healthier way of living, you should utilize stop smoking products. This article takes a look at the different sorts of stop smoking products in the marketplace and how to get hold of them.

The majority of smoking cessation products are normally safe to use. In addition, these smoking cessation products usually have organic materials and are devoid of hormones, toxic substances and / or steroids, among other detrimental ingredients. Yet there are several stop smoking products that contain a bit of nicotine and other toxins. These include nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products such as nicotine chewing gum, pads, nasal mists and also inhalers; nicotinic receptor modulators; and antismoking pills. Nicotine substitutes help lessen your nicotine cravings, but they actually extend your addiction to the chemical as opposed to getting you off it for good.

It's advisable to take advantage of all-natural quit smoking products instead of nicotine substitutes and other pharmaceutical products or prescribed medication. Tobacco smokers who utilise this kind of smoking cessation products won't contend with any adverse side effects or have any chances of forming new reliances on them because all of the ingredients are natural. While smokers will still go through the withdrawal symptoms brought about by the lack of nicotine, they won't inflict additional harm to their systems (as in the case of pharmaceutical solutions) and would actually receive scores of benefits from the utilisation of natural options.

When looking for a stop smoking product, you have to do your research, ask a bunch of questions as well as get guidance from other ex-nicotine junkies who have already made use of smoking cessation products and realised success in getting over their own nicotine cravings. Afterward, you need to utilize your selected smoking cessation product for slightly over one month to determine if it works for you. Do not forget that you need a lot of time, desire and also perseverance to cure yourself of your tobacco dependence, so do not expect to see optimistic outcomes within the first couple of days and don't get discouraged. Your system must adapt to this quit smoking product and the big lifestyle change that you're implementing; the quit smoking process does not have any quick fixes.

Longtime tobacco users need to know that utilizing smoking cessation products just as recommended by their doctors will help them conquer their tobacco dependence. Quit smoking products will make it less difficult to fight your nicotine cravings and would produce results only when you abide by the usage instructions to a tee. But you must also understand that the utilization of any stop smoking product does not automatically mean that you'll never regress and puff on another cigarette stick down the road. The products merely serve as an aid; it is your job to sustain your resolve and desire to have a healthy life.

Besides employing smoking cessation products, you could also test other drug-free methods like stopping 'cold turkey', acupuncture and hypnosis. Going cold turkey is a very effective way to stop using tobacco, but you need to have considerable self-control to fight your cravings for nicotine. Acupuncture entails the placing of thin needles on certain areas in your body to eradicate your hankerings and also help you relax. Hypnosis will call for the introduction of new, healthier ideas to your subconscious in order to help you quit smoking, and is shown to be 66% better than other stop smoking methods.

Irrespective of whether you choose to use pharmaceutical solutions or all-natural stop smoking products, it's important that you do not make use of them during pregnancy or when you are nursing. These products could be harmful to your new baby or unborn child, and you need to speak with your doctor before you make use of any herbal solution, supplement or quit smoking aid.

Quitting tobacco use is a long and complex process that'll necessitate the utilisation of stop smoking products, but the results would be worth it. You can accomplish this objective if you really desire to stop using tobacco and have the strength to begin all over again after you have fallen short. Every attempt would make you stronger and help you discover what your weak points are. Furthermore, a positive approach, a superb plan and the guidance of your family, pals and colleagues would help you quit smoking cigarettes once and for all!

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The Psychological Benefits Of Not Smoking

Being a non-smoker or quitting cigarettes is a great way to promote mental health. Not only does your body becomes less prone to suffer from various diseases like heart and lungs problems, your mind also grows healthier and you turn psychologically more confident.

A non-smoker is always at an advantageous position because he or she reaps all the possible benefits of not smoking. But what are these boons? Well, there are hundreds of them. Apart from the numerous benefits pertaining to well being of health, there are also psychological and emotional benefits of not smoking that can be associated.

Some of the basic benefits of not smoking in psychological terms are:

? It gives you a sense of immense satisfaction that you are doing some good to yourself, your family and the society of large. While you are saving your own life from the damages caused by nicotine, you are also protecting your near and dear ones from the evils of passive smoking.

? You find yourself more confident than before; you know that there is nothing you can not accomplish. Remaining a non-smoker while being in a company of chain smokers is as challenging a job as quitting smoking for good. So, when you find yourself doing that, somewhere in the corner of your mind, you know that you are capable enough to stick to your determination. This goes a long way in boosting your self-confidence. Moreover, you will not stink of tobacco and your breath will be fresh. There will be no stains of tar on your teeth to spoil your smile. You look at life in a positive light and you are ready to communicate with all.

? You will have no qualms regarding being a hypocrite. Being a smoker you have to keep hiding your addiction from your children because you do not want them to acquire the habit. But, if you do not smoke altogether, you relieve yourself from practicing hypocrisy.

? You have the satisfaction that you are self dependent; at least you do not bank on cigarettes to allay your tensions or alleviate your work pressures.

? You feel that your self image has improved from the times you used to smoke; you are a winner to have broken away from the shackles of nicotine.

? It makes your life happier and fuller; you suffer from fits of depression less often.

So with all these benefits of not smoking, there is no reason why you should let yourself fall victim to tobacco.

As you know, in order to lead a happy life, you need a healthy mind and a healthy body. Psychological well being is fundamental to mental health. So, the Benefits of not smoking can be fairly said to lie in promotion of overall health.

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Thursday, September 30, 2010

What Controls Your Smoking Habit?

Meet Subby - the manger of your smoking habit

Your smoking habit is an automatic behavior controlled by both your conscious and unconscious mind. It can be a complicated thing to untangle, but we'll simplify it here.??You have?your conscious mind, which?is thought to control your logical and reasoning functions. Your unconscious controls your involuntary and automatic functions.

Then you have your subconscious, which I nickname "Subby" for short. It's the part of your unconscious that controls your automatic functions?such as smoking.?This?automatic response function?is designed to simplify our day-to-day functions. It is first and foremost an automatic survival mechanism designed to react quickly to emergencies. It also manages many other automatic functions of our mind, such as brushing your teeth, eating with a fork, driving a car and yes, smoking. ?

?Why smoking is so hard to quit

What makes smoking so difficult is the subconscious nature of the habit. Here's why. Subby is trained to learn a set of rules or "values patterns" that you teach it over time. Once these patterns are established, Subby then learns to respond automatically.?For example if Subby learns that "a hot oven can burn you", it will make you very alert whenever you approach a hot oven. Once burned, when Subby sees an oven, it automatically gives you a signal: "caution!"

This automatic response function of Subby?is what allows you to not need to keep relearning repetitive tasks, such as walking, driving, or how to brush your teeth in the morning. If it weren't for Subby learning these automatic behaviors, you'd have to re-learn basic functions every day!?This is a key to why you can't seem to turn off the smoking urge.? Subby is just doing it's job by continuing the smoking habit that you trained it to do! It is the same automatic function?that compels you to brush your teeth in the morning, switch on the TV or drive to work each morning.

You may have changed your mind about smoking, Subby hasn't!

After teaching Subby thousands of times, dozens of times a day, that you enjoy a cigarette, it has powerfully learned that habit. Now you want to quit, but Subby isn't going along. Subby will override the conscious instructions you give it, because it has been trained to smoke on a powerful, engrained subconscious level. You may make up your mind and say, "I don't want to quit smoking anymore." You even throw away the pack of cigarettes. You may be fine for a period of time, but Subby thinks something is wrong when it is not smoking.

It is thinking, "Why hasn't she lit up a cigarette? Remind her! She is due to have a cigarette after breakfast, like she does every day! Plus, I miss that nicotine jolt." You will feel urges, cravings, anxiety, even small shocks to compel you to buy, or beg a cigarette or Subby will not be satisfied and will bug you continually until you do.

So don't think you are weak or lack willpower if you are having difficulty quitting smoking. The habit mechanism of your powerful subconscious is just doing it's job. Doing what you asked it to do over thousands of cigarettes over many years. Changing that automatic behavior can be done, it just needs to be done in a systematic way.

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