Friday, September 3, 2010

Health Effects Of Smoking

The bottom line is that the health effects of smoking go well beyond the lungs but unfortunately, many people still do not fully understand this. 

Sure, most smokers are concerned over lung cancer but due to a lack of knowledge, they do not have a realistic scope of the true dangers.

A huge conspiracy regarding the health effects of smoking dates back to 1953, a time when tobacco companies came up with a plan after meeting at the Plaza Hotel in New York.  Their marketing focus was to draw attention regarding the health risks of smoking off the habit.  The judge involved at that time was also involved with the ruling associated with the Surgeon General’s announcement in 1964 that smoking caused lung cancer.  Sadly, the health effects of smoking were at that time distorted.

In addition to tobacco companies not telling the truth about the dangers associated with smoking, they also failed the public by marketing products to youth.  While everyone was talking about how bad it was for younger people to smoke, the advertising and marketing strategies were geared toward this age group specifically.

Of course, along with the horrific health effects of smoking, people also need to consider the cost.  With the cost of cigarettes now around $5 per pack, smoking a single pack a day would cost a person significant money.  For the money the average person spends a month on cigarettes, he or she could pay rent or put the money into savings.

Then, considering that up to 15% of smoke is breathed in as secondhand smoke, the dangers continue to rise.  This means children and even pets are put at risk for cancer and other health effects of smoking because of parents.  This alone should be enough to change a person’s mind to stop.

Cancer of the lungs is one of the most common effects of smoking but other parts of the body are also at risk to include kidneys, bladder, esophagus, colon, and pancreas.  Even bones can be damaged by smoking with an increased risk of osteoporosis, leading to degenerative disc disease and fractures.  Another one of the many health effects of smoking has to do with infertility.  Both women and men are affected.  For women, ovulation is impacted whereas in men, sperm count reduced.
The body is affected in other ways such as lower blood circulation to lower extremities, blood disease, slow healing, and the list goes on.  The body is a beautiful creation and considering all the damage caused from smoking, people should give serious thought to quitting forever.

View the original article here

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