Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Is the Stop Smoking Gum Enough?

Usage of a stop smoking gum is one of the oldest methods of smoking cessation; well, at least since everyone started being aware that the simple pleasures of smoking a cigarette really was, and still is, a hazard. However, with smoking cessation techniques and processes popping up all over the place, the nicotine gum seems to have been overshadowed, not to mention ridiculed. There are two things that aided the downfall of this product, and this article will list both, as well as how it still has a place in a smoker's therapy. After reading this article, you can decide for yourself if you should continue to patronize the nicotine gum.

Point #1 - Smokers have quit without them
There were already smokers who have managed to quit smoking way before the stop smoking gum has even begun to exist. Some experts agree that this proves the worth of the nicotine gums - where they mean to say that they don't do jack. Professionals often argue about the gums as they believe that every smoker can, with proper treatment, overcome their nicotine addictions without the need for a gradually decreasing alternative nicotine supply.

Point #2 - Nicotine Gums Backfire
Nicotine gums were manufactured for one thing - to replace the cigarettes as the supply of nicotine. The gums are manufactured with different levels of nicotine in them, for which a smoker can choose to purchase and administer less and less amounts of the substance into their bloodstream. However, the nicotine gums have become a smoke free cigarette, and since they cost more than smokes, smokers go back to cigarettes.

The Response
While there were already smokers who have quit the habit without outside help, there are other smokers who do not share the same level of will and determination. At times, deep down, they don't even want to quit so they will not be able to do so even with help from multiple smoking cessation approaches. Take hypnosis, for instance. It is a very effective approach only matched by the monumental flaw of not being able to penetrate a mind that doesn't want to quit smoking.

This goes the same for the stop smoking gum. If you have no desire to quit at all, the nicotine gum will only be a temporary change of scenery that you will soon abandon for the cheaper cigarettes. The point is, without a strong personal drive, NONE of the smoking cessation techniques will work. As for the question of whether the gum is enough, it depends on how determined you are to quit.

View the original article here

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