Friday, September 3, 2010

Quit Smoking Tips

Have you been a longtime smoker and now you want to quit? If so, you will reap the benefits by becoming a healthier person. Smoking is addictive so you need to understand that even with

the best, quit smoking tips, this is a process, a journey, but one worth taking. To some degree, you are going to have symptoms of withdrawal and experience cravings but this is normal and with sheer determination, they will pass. However, with some insider tips, you will reach your goal easier and ultimately have more success.

The First Step

One of the greatest quit smoking tips is to devise a plan, one that you can follow to stay on course, even when you have cravings. By having a great plan, you will know the right way to handle tough days so when you are in a certain environmental situation or feeling a certain way, you do not revert to smoking. As a part of your plan, you need to have multiple quit smoking tips gained from other people who have quit, doctors, the Internet, and so on.

Choose a Technique Specifically For You

The number of tips for quitting the tobacco habit exists but each smoker is going to react differently to each one. For this reason, people need to consider a variety of options, realizing that some things will fail and some succeed. For instance, some of the more popular quit smoking tips involve using laser, acupuncture, herbal remedies, hypnosis, nicotine patches and gum, going cold turkey, and the list goes on. Once you identify what seems to be working best for you, it is important to stay focused and not give up. If you find that you miss having a cigarette in your mouth, you might try herbal cigarettes made without nicotine. If you enjoy the mouth stimulation, perhaps gum or lozenges would work best. The process to quit smoking is hard but you need to use the various methods available and maintain a positive attitude. With this, you can go on to a long, healthy life.

It is important that you mix up your daily routine and change environment. The reason is that with smoking, you get into a routine, which means in addition to the physical addiction, you are now battling a physiological addiction. Simply steps of changing the time or place where you have your morning coffee, going for a walk after dinner instead of sipping a glass of wine, or calling a family member or friend to walk you through a tempting moment. With a few simply quit smoking tips, your goal of success will be achieved.

When You Start The Process to Quit Smoking

One of the important quit smoking tips is that when you get through a day without smoking, be proud. Instead of looking at how well you will do tomorrow or the day after, focus on one day at a time. In addition, rather than worry about what you are going to do when or if you get a craving for a cigarette, deal with the craving when it happens. Now, you should have a plan in place but do not dwell on it. Experts and ex-smokers agree that of all quit smoking tips, the one that makes the most sense and helps the most is to take baby steps. It is also important that if you slip one day, do not beat yourself up or give up on your quest. With all of this, you will finally kick the habit of smoking.

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