Friday, September 3, 2010

Natural Ways To Quit Smoking

One particular group of people that get caught up with cigarette smoking is teenagers, primarily because of peer pressure.

Often, teenagers will do things they know are bad simply as a means of fitting in or to be one of the “cool” kids. Unfortunately, teenagers in this situation do not understand the full dangers of smoking, not only that tobacco is unhealthy but also deadly. For people that want to stop smoking, making the first move toward stopping is the toughest. Then when thinking of natural ways to quit smoking, it seems overwhelming.

While there are medications available, most of these cause side effects and many can be dangerous. For this reason, parents and even teachers working with teenagers that smoke encourage they quit this habit naturally. Instead of kids taking prescription medication, a better option is with alternative medication, great for curbing smoking cravings.

What is Alternative Medication?

People that want to stop smoking actually have a number of options specific to herbs. One option that many people prefer, and a means to quit smoking that is effective is by switching cigarettes for herbal gum. The reason is that smoking is a tool used to release stress so chewing gum provides a healthier tool for dealing with tension but even with this, the amount of gum chewed on a daily basis should be within reasonable limits.

Even herbal tea has been proven to help, being a great natural way to quit smoking. With this, certain teas can calm nervousness, which in turn reduces the person’s need to smoke. The benefit of using herbal teas and even gum to quit smoking is that while they reduce stress and cut back ravings, they also contain natural ingredients that are healthy to the body overall.

One of the oldest alternative and natural ways to quit smoking is with acupuncture. Used by the Chinese for thousands of years, tiny needles are placed on specific nerve areas that cut the craving for tobacco drastically. Acupuncturists know where the needles need to be placed and for people that are tired of cigarettes, this form of alternative medicine works amazingly well.

All of these methods are natural, meaning the individual is not taking any kind of harmful prescription drug or using alcohol or street drugs to eliminate stress. Sadly, many people have died due to accidental overdose while trying to stop smoking, which is why using an alternative option, is so important. These options work great for adults but they are especially great for teenagers, again being healthy and a great way for parents to help their children stop the dangerous habit of smoking cigarettes.

View the original article here

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