Quit smoking methods can often cause you to spend more than you can afford though there are certainly a few simple methods that you can use which will help you to quit smoking for free. A simple option in this regard is to follow any method that helps in replacing one habit with another. For those who are truly determined to quit smoking, the good news is that it is easier to quit smoking than they may have imagined, though it does require having a strong will power.
You can use quit smoking for free programs to give you an added incentive and it may even mean changing your beliefs. If you are looking for a suitable quit smoking for free program you will simply have to check out some of the many organizations which are non-profit oriented and which are working to help people kick their smoking habit.
The American Cancer Society (ACS) is a typical example of a non-profit organization that has a number of online programs that anyone can sign up for. In addition, the ACS also sends out hand-outs about the harm that smoking causes and there are also many tips given to show smokers how to quit smoking.
You can also get free smoking videos that will show smokers the great harm that smoking will do to their health and the ACS also provides support when you do decide to quit smoking in the form of support groups and even round-the-clock hotlines to help you avail of this excellent quit smoking for free program.
Another option as far as quit smoking for free goes is to try out the American Heart and Lung Association that also has its own share of quit smoking for free programs. In this it is quite similar to ACS as it too provides support groups and free hotlines and it is also possible to discuss your problems with accomplished and experienced counselors who are ready and willing to provide you with all the support and advice that you will need to quit smoking.
You can also use some other very simple though effective quit smoking for free methods including using a toothpick that is an ideal replacement for a cigarette. By replacing your cigarette stick with a toothpick and even chewing on the toothpick whenever the urge to light up overcomes you, you will succeed with quit smoking for free.
It is also possible to get free help for quit smoking through reading articles written by those who have successfully quit smoking. On the other hand, you can also quit smoking for free by reading up on articles that deal with research being done on the ill effects of cigarette smoking. As your knowledge about the harm that cigarette smoking does grows, the better equipped you will become as far as kicking the habit goes and consequently succeeding with quit smoking will be a lot easier.
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