Level: Basic PLUS
A University of Minnesota graduate who has worked in garment manufacturing and research and development in the medical device industry. A progressive thinker, planner and ...
You must set a date to begin your freedom from smoking. Your cigars, cigarettes or pipe smoking has to come to an end. You are recognizing that you are sick of being tied to your addiction. You want out!
Before you choose a date, you need to set yourself up for success. You will need some pieces to the puzzle before you start.
1. Motivation: What is this urgent need that brings you forward to quit smoking? Are you sure you really want to do this? Understanding how motivated you are to succeed will be a great thing as you face the new challenges ahead. If you are extremely motivated to complete this task to perfection, you have it in the bag! Nothing will stop you from being an ex-smoker.2. Remaining Positive: If you are constantly letting your internal dialogue remain negative, you will not succeed. It will be important to keep your thoughts positive and always cheer you along. If you are not able to motivate into a positive frame of mind, you will be less likely to handle the challenges ahead.3. Pledge to Yourself: If you are not sure that you want to quit, how can you? You must be 100% committed to this task. You cannot succeed if you have even a tiny bit of skepticism to your mindset. If you are still reading smokers forums online about taste and value etc, you need to decide when you are ready to tell your forum you are an ex. Are you ready for the backlash? If you are putting your boxing gloves on right now, I am so proud of you!4. Commit with Confidence: You have no fear, no uncertainty in your decision. You are sure you are quitting for all the right decisions. You have no misconceptions about why you are quitting. No one is making you do this, you are the decision maker. 5. Set up Your Expectations: You are ready to quit, now, pace yourself. You are going to have enormous challenges. You may experience failures. If this happens, what will you do? Completely give up? No way, it is not allowed. If you do not allow yourself to fail, and remind yourself that you will only start again on your dedicated path, you will succeed.Your challenges, triggers, emotional trials and tribulations will be very powerful. You need to be more powerful than all the excuses, the history, the steps that still keep you smoking today.
You will be more powerful than any of these challenges if you are ready. Step through with a support system, and find your way to the other side.
This article has been viewed 9 time(s).Article Submitted On: September 10, 2010

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