Smoking is dangerous, which is why it is so vital for smokers to quit. Although stopping is healthier and less expensive, the process can be tough.
However, as more and more people are learning important quit smoking tips, they are making the move to a better, longer life. Interestingly, while some people prefer to try medications, one of the most effective methods to stop smoking is by going cold turkey. People that have gone this route actually swear the results were better than weaning down with a patch, gum, or medicine.
What are the benefits of quitting cold turkey?
Many experts believe that smoking is a physiological addiction, one triggered by both behavioral and environmental triggers. Information on quit smoking help is that when a smoker quits cold turkey, the patterns associated with this habit are also broken. In addition, going through the process to stop smoking slowly puts the body through a drawn out period of detoxifying whereas going cold turkey stops the cycle immediately. While it takes time for the nicotine to get out of the body, stopping abruptly gets the toxins out of the body quicker.
Getting ready to stop smoking
Most people say that quit smoking help specific to cold turkey starts with choosing a day that will be the final smoking day. This way, the individual can begin preparing the mind and getting ashtrays and other reminders out of the home. It is also important that the person let family members and friends know, asking them to help with accountability. Obviously, a person would fail if the day to quit smoking were around a stress event so it would be important for the date to be chosen wisely. Additionally, periods of time when the person has little to do is not going to help. For instance, if the person were planning to stop while on vacation, sitting on the beach and watching the sunset would likely create cravings. Therefore, the time needs to be chosen to improve the chance of success. Experts also suggest for quit smoking help that people stay away from people that smoke and places where smoking is common.
Quit smoking help for the first couple of days
For one thing, the individual could switch up the normal routine. As an example, if the smoker typically has a cup of coffee first thing in the morning, perhaps waiting until mid morning or instead of drinking coffee outside, the person could have coffee indoors. Another example would be the person that loves a glass of red wine after dinner with a cigarette. Rather than wine, the smoker could watch a good movie, go for a walk, or do something different. Of course, when looking at the information for quit smoking help, people also need to be realistic, understanding that irritability is common for the first several days but it will begin to decrease. When feeling stressed, a good walk or job, or going to the gym to work off frustration does wonders. The key is for the smoker to remain focused on the outcome of being smoke-free.
Going cold turkey with quit smoking help
Another helpful tip would be for the smoker to sit down with his or her doctor, asking for other means of stopping. In addition, the Internet provides in-depth information from both medical professionals and former smokers. Quitting the smoking habit is a process but with a positive attitude, determination, a great support system, and switching up daily activities can help.
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