Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy - Does It Really Work?

Yes, it does work - when you want it to!

It will work for you only if you have an open mind. Yes, hypnosis works when you want it to work. To begin with, hypnotherapy should be undertaken under the guidance of a professional only. They treat your addiction by curing the reason you smoke. A hypnotherapist makes you go into a trance. This is a state of sleep in which you are relaxed and more acceptable towards the suggestions that are going to be made by the hypnotherapist. Once you are relaxed and have reached the depth of the trance, the hypnosis CDs or hypnosis music used by the hypnotherapist is going to instill the encouragement to stop smoking, into your subconscious and unconscious mind.

Usually many stop smoking hypnotherapy sessions include you getting a pack of DVDs and CDs that you can play while going to sleep. Contrary to popular belief, you are not completely unconscious during these hypnotherapy sessions. Many people are aware of their surroundings, but being in the haze of hypnosis releases all the stress and tension in your mind. This enables your mind to concentrate on the advantages of kicking the habit and turning into a new person. Nobody enjoys being trapped in an addictive phase. Stop smoking hypnotherapy encourages and helps you to maintain the will power to get out of it.

It does not work-if you do not want it to

However, all these efforts are of no use if you are not willing to accept the cure. There are many people who are forced into some kind of therapy by friends or family and they do their best to avoid accepting any suggestions or cure that the stop smoking hypnotherapy suggests. Therefore it is important that you are mentally prepared to quit smoking when you start these hypnotherapy sessions. Hypnotherapy works when the affirmative verbal words that are spoken during this hypnosis technique are readily accepted. These have to be agreed by the person who wants to be treated. Otherwise, there are no results.

Keep an open mind-to help hypnosis cure you

If you do not want to stop smoking then your mind consciously does the opposite of whatever has been instilled into your sub-conscious. You tend to block and override these words as you are not ready to act on it yet. Another reason of your mind not accepting the stop smoking hypnotherapy sessions is because you have not been completely relaxed before the session starts. It is mandatory that you reach a deep level of calm and relaxation to be able to accept the suggestions made by the hypnotherapist. Hence, you need to be honest and willing to co-operate with the healer to help you with quitting!

View the original article here

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