Thursday, September 30, 2010

What Controls Your Smoking Habit?

Meet Subby - the manger of your smoking habit

Your smoking habit is an automatic behavior controlled by both your conscious and unconscious mind. It can be a complicated thing to untangle, but we'll simplify it here.??You have?your conscious mind, which?is thought to control your logical and reasoning functions. Your unconscious controls your involuntary and automatic functions.

Then you have your subconscious, which I nickname "Subby" for short. It's the part of your unconscious that controls your automatic functions?such as smoking.?This?automatic response function?is designed to simplify our day-to-day functions. It is first and foremost an automatic survival mechanism designed to react quickly to emergencies. It also manages many other automatic functions of our mind, such as brushing your teeth, eating with a fork, driving a car and yes, smoking. ?

?Why smoking is so hard to quit

What makes smoking so difficult is the subconscious nature of the habit. Here's why. Subby is trained to learn a set of rules or "values patterns" that you teach it over time. Once these patterns are established, Subby then learns to respond automatically.?For example if Subby learns that "a hot oven can burn you", it will make you very alert whenever you approach a hot oven. Once burned, when Subby sees an oven, it automatically gives you a signal: "caution!"

This automatic response function of Subby?is what allows you to not need to keep relearning repetitive tasks, such as walking, driving, or how to brush your teeth in the morning. If it weren't for Subby learning these automatic behaviors, you'd have to re-learn basic functions every day!?This is a key to why you can't seem to turn off the smoking urge.? Subby is just doing it's job by continuing the smoking habit that you trained it to do! It is the same automatic function?that compels you to brush your teeth in the morning, switch on the TV or drive to work each morning.

You may have changed your mind about smoking, Subby hasn't!

After teaching Subby thousands of times, dozens of times a day, that you enjoy a cigarette, it has powerfully learned that habit. Now you want to quit, but Subby isn't going along. Subby will override the conscious instructions you give it, because it has been trained to smoke on a powerful, engrained subconscious level. You may make up your mind and say, "I don't want to quit smoking anymore." You even throw away the pack of cigarettes. You may be fine for a period of time, but Subby thinks something is wrong when it is not smoking.

It is thinking, "Why hasn't she lit up a cigarette? Remind her! She is due to have a cigarette after breakfast, like she does every day! Plus, I miss that nicotine jolt." You will feel urges, cravings, anxiety, even small shocks to compel you to buy, or beg a cigarette or Subby will not be satisfied and will bug you continually until you do.

So don't think you are weak or lack willpower if you are having difficulty quitting smoking. The habit mechanism of your powerful subconscious is just doing it's job. Doing what you asked it to do over thousands of cigarettes over many years. Changing that automatic behavior can be done, it just needs to be done in a systematic way.

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Another Dimension To Tobacco Taxes

Smoking cessation policies and interventions the world over have found one key policy strategy important - increasing tobacco tax. Tax economists have often explained their arguments for tax increases using the concept of the Laffer curve. They argue that a tax rate of zero produces no revenue. A tax rate of 100% causes people to change their behavior so as to avoid the tax. This produces nothing in terms of revenue. It therefore follows that as tax is increased people will continue adjusting their behavior to ensure that they do not pay that tax or at least as much tax.

This in general is the concept behind tobacco taxes. Policy makers have noted that when tobacco tax is increased a significant number of people makes some modifications in order to avoid the tax. This will include quitting smoking, reducing the number of cigarettes smoked and also preventing new smokers from starting. An interesting observation in America is that as some states increased taxes on tobacco some smokers reacted by stopping smoking altogether yet others found ways round the tax. In fact there are particular things that those wishing to pay the tax and to quit at the same time have done.

In fact the behavior of a particular group of smokers in reaction to the tax increases supports the arguments of some economists that higher taxes would encourage more people to find ways to evade or break the law. This smoker do it by choosing to drive to a place where the taxes are lower to buy cigarettes. Theoretical a raise in taxes has the effect of giving an increasing number of people an incentive to travel to a cheaper place for some cigarettes. Studies have then shown that an average smoker might be willing to travel the extra distance just to purchase cheaper tobacco cigarettes.

Then there is yet another dimension to this tax evasion - roll-your-own cigarettes. More and more smokers take advantage in the US of the federal tax loophole making it possible for retailers to offer them deep discounts on roll-your-own cigarettes. Smokers simply flock to retailers which have high speed rolling machines that, for example, are capable of producing a carton of cigarettes in eight minutes at less than half the price of a carton of Marlboro cigarettes the subject of heavy taxation.

Yet another dimension is that a small percentage of smokers estimated at about 08% evades taxes by bootlegging. There have been records of smokers ordering cigarettes over the internet from foreign countries and some even bringing them in from Indian reserves. A significant number of smokers, studies tell, think about quitting smoking. These therefore are people willing to quit but might not be just ready to. The then buy smalls packs instead of cartons at a time and might as well endure the taxation.

In general smoking taxation has been shown to be effective in countries such as Japan and for that reason has become the most followed model worldwide. In fact some countries have taken a deliberate decision to increase taxes each and every at an ongoing basis. The economic recession has even made tobacco taxation more effective.

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Public Smoking Ban Produces Results In Scotland

Scotland is located in Europe and is part of the broader United Kingdom. In march 2006 a ban on smoking in public places was introduced in Scotland as part of the ongoing European wide smoking cessation interventions and policies. The legislation which banned tobacco use in public places covered bars, restaurants workplaces and such other establishments. The research which revealed the success of the smoking band was a follow-up to the 2006 law.

It noted that the rate of hospital admissions for childhood asthma had sharply fallen since the introduction of the law. Amongst other dangers of second hand smoke derived from public smoking is asthma. This specifically affects children. Other effects of tobacco smoke to non-smokers who are exposed on a constant basis will include cancers and other life long ailments which may be respiratory in nature. The dangers of public smoking are behind the intense international quest spearheaded by WHO to reduce and control tobacco use.

The researchers note that the Smoking, Health and Social Care (Scotland) Act of 2006 has been extremely successful in its primary aim of reducing exposure to environmental tobacco smoke in public places. The particularly celebrate the fact that the law has reduce the exposure of children to environmental tobacco smoke despite concerns of smoking being displaced to the home. The study dine by the researchers in Scotland focused on collecting routine hospital administrative data. This data ascertained hospital admissions for asthma.

The research data collected from the hospital showed that before the smoking ban asthma admissions in hospitals were on the raise by an average 5.2 percent each year. Once the new law was implemented the researchers found that the rate of hospital admissions fell by some 18.2% per year going forward. These rates also covered kids of preschool and school-age. This outcome is one amongst many that confirm the effectiveness of smoking cessation policies that many countries across the world are swiftly implementing. Banning smoking in public places is an important intervention in stopping smoking endeavors.

However the researchers in Scotland noted that the study had some limitations particularly the fact that information regarding individual smoking status was not available and whether the observed reduction in asthma was a result of reduced exposure to environmental tobacco smoke in the home, reduced exposure to second hand smoke in public places or a reduction in teenage tobacco use. However a number of factors that included age group, sex, urban or rural residence had no effect on the outcome.

The positive reports coming out of Scotland are just a part of a global outcome of aggressive anti-tobacco campaigns. Despite these efforts, policy strategies will be required to continue changing if governments are to totally outwit the tobacco industry which is clearly determined to continue expanding its market especially amongst young people.

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Stop Smoking - Or Not

Do you want to stop smoking, or not? If you decide to stop, the best way to quit smoking is to get help and to follow a plan. You need to take the time to create a plan to stop. If you are addicted to nicotine then you need to look at a stop smoking product to help you slowly curb the nicotine addiction. With help coming in the form of stop smoking aids, as well as support from your friends and family, it will be very important to get all the help and support you can. When you stop you'll save a lot of money, it could easily be $1,500 - $2,000 a year on cigarettes. Once you stop smoking, your risk of heart disease is cut by half in only one year. It's hard to stop smoking but that stuff can kill you and your family.

You probably know the facts about smoking. You will seriously increase the risk to have heart disease, lung cancer, brain stroke just to name few.

Smoking is only a mental issue and you can deal with it only with your mind. So, If you want to easily quit smoking, try hypnosis, because it really works. Quitting smoking can be an uncomfortable experience, and cigarettes have given you something to do for a long time. When you smoke cigarette chemicals when you are smoking at home, then people at home or your family will also participate inhaling these substances, for a long time it will also affect their health, they will also inhale toxins and become passive smokers. Passive smoker's health risks is not much different from the active smoker, so stop smoking now. You'll have more energy, you'll breathe easier, and your children and other people in your home will be healthier too.

Most people know that smoking can cause lung cancer, but it can also cause many other cancers and illnesses. Smoking kills your body, it burns the inside of your throat and lungs leaving you damaged and open to health problems. If you smoke, the risk of contracting mouth cancer is four times higher than for a non-smoker.

You can eat healthy food every day (fruit and vegetables) and exercise regularly, but healthy behavior means little if you continue to smoke. Consult a doctor or other health care professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.

People who have smoked 4-5 packs a day have been able to quit with hypnosis or other stop smoking aids, then you can do it to.

In other words... the very best way to stop is to find the method that works for you. Get help... now.

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Stop Smoking Side Effects - Learn How You Can Overcome What Causes Most Smokers to Continue Smoking

Stop Smoking Side Effects

If you are wondering what the side effects of quitting smoking are, then you are afraid to stop smoking. What we need to do though is look at smoking in the opposite light. We need to ask ourselves why is it that non smokers do not have these side effects which you have?

The main reason you are afraid is that the cigarette causes them! Non smokers never have to go through what smokers go through! The good news is that when you put out your cigarette whether that be, because you are quitting or because you need to go back to work with out the constant need to smoke, the nicotine leaves your body super fast.

There is no trace of nicotine in your body within 48 hrs after having a cigarette! If you don't believe me and you still think nicotine is so strong, then why is it that a smoker needs to smoke about forty or so cigarettes per day? The main reason is that nicotine levels start to fall all the time, whether you are inhaling or putting the cigarette out as a smoker nicotine is always leaving your body.

The main reason for this (and it's quite simple when you think of it in this way) is that your body was never meant to be poisoned through nicotine. This is what is happening, your body is trying its best to get rid of the nicotine in your body as fast as it can, this is why you need to smoke on average (provided you have been smoking for more than three years) twenty cigarettes per day.

The body is a filter and its main job is to expel any substance which is not meant to be put into the system. Your body with the combination of nicotine make this a never ending story. Your body being strong, so strong that it expels the nicotine out within a few seconds and the combination of nicotine being a poison make smoking a serious maze to conquer, unless you understand this, then your hopes of trying to quit smoking will always end in failure.

Quit Smoking Tips

In case you think that not all smokers smoke this amount, you are right! Not all smokers can take this amount of cigarette smoke in their lungs, some smokers can smoke a hundred a day while others cannot smoke this amount ever, the main reason being is that we are all of a different body make up, just like some people are stonger while other people are weaker.

Just like some people are stronger, others weaker but when it comes to quitting you can find it easy to quit without having any stop smoking side effects.

Trying To Quit Smoking?

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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Need To Kick Your Smoking Habit Once And For All? Stop Smoking Naturally!

Tobacco use is an unfavourable vice linked to lots of dangers that include a shorter life expectancy, premature ageing and a bigger chance of getting all sorts of health problems and kinds of cancer. Many longtime tobacco users do not have an understanding of the things they can carry out to break their dependence without making use of pharmaceutical products and alternate sources of nicotine. If you're a smoker and would like to learn how to live a more healthy life, this article contains approaches that you may utilize to give up smoking naturally.

Physical activity is an established technique that lots of folks utilise to help them get over any dependency. Working out at least 3 times weekly will help you give up smoking cigarettes in a number of ways. First of all, exercise works as a distraction; whenever your thoughts are centered on a specific endeavor, you wouldn't feel the strong nicotine hankerings that make countless folks relapse and puff on a cigarette stick. Additionally, whenever you work out, you will get an endorphin rush that will make you feel better about yourself in an organic manner. These endorphins will also allow you to feel happier and more satisfied. The other benefits of habitual physical exercise for smoking cessation are as follows: it would help you stay in shape, give you more confidence and motivate you to make healthy lifestyle adjustments.

The most vital change that you must apply if you aspire to give up smoking cigarettes naturally is to shift your behavioral inclinations and patterns, particularly when you feel nicotine hankerings. You should find more favorable and also more healthy substitutes for cigarettes. For instance, if you have nicotine cravings three times each day, you should do other things rather than give in to them, such as taking a walk or reading a novel. Eventually, your mind will adapt to these favourable changes and accept them. Consequently, your cravings would become less frequent.

Establishing new routines will also help you stop smoking naturally. Plenty of nicotine junkies find that they could rid themselves of certain behaviors that they don't want to possess by following new patterns and sticking to them. It's advisable to jot down all of the aspects and conditions that cause you to be anxious as well as push you to get a cigarette, and think about the behaviors and routines that you will substitute them with. By being aware of the undesirable elements and circumstances, you will be able to create a great plan and be ready for any probability.

Itineraries aren't exclusively for work-related issues; they would also help you in your mission to give up smoking cigarettes the natural way! Setting exact times for eating, relaxation, exercise, work and other activities will help your brain adjust to a new lifestyle, and it'll eventually become second nature. If cigarettes are not included in your brand-new routine, you will not get to think of cigarette smoking.

Behavioral changes and healthy distractions are not going to generate the results you want if you keep things that make you remember your awful smoking habit! If you want to stop smoking cigarettes the natural way, you must get rid of all of the things that make you itch to smoke. Throw away your matches, lighters, cigarette holders and ashtrays right away! Additionally, you must refrain from hanging out with relatives, close friends and colleagues who smoke cigarettes, at least until you're positive that you will not relapse when you are in their company. If you cannot avoid them completely, you may ask them to stop smoking when they are around you.

But occasionally, there are people who backslide and begin smoking cigarettes again regardless of all the preparations they've done. Trying to stop using tobacco also means that you ought to accept the odds of a relapse and be able to go past it and go back to square one if it happens. It is completely normal for nicotine junkies to go through a few relapses; keep in mind that falling short shouldn't deter you and make you feel helpless. Quitting smoking is a long and challenging endeavour that you may do over and over until you overcome your dependence for good.

Time, work and also perseverance are required if you decide to stop smoking cigarettes naturally. Each day, countless people choose to stop using tobacco for good, and many of them have already accomplished their goal. Don't focus on the probability that you will backslide; instead, don't forget that you must achieve this goal for yourself and your loved ones. Accept your errors, move forward and keep trying to give up smoking the natural way until you eventually become successful!

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Negative Thoughts and Your Smoking

Negative thinking can be a very powerful force. It has waged wars, caused constant human struggle, and kept many people from becoming the real people they wanted to be.

If you have a negative mindset, you are struggling with more than your constant internal dialogue that makes you always see the worst side to events. You are always expecting the worst from people, things and new initiatives.

It will be next to impossible for you to change or adapt to any new lifestyle in this frame of mind. For this reason, you must decide now if you can evolve from a negative thinker to a positive one, and have a reason to do so.

What is the reason you want to quit smoking? Chances are, you have health concerns, and you are seeing that the future will be very dim if you continue the habit. You are seeing the negative effects of the habit, and despite your addiction needs, you are finding that there will be a positive result from doing so.

This is your opening to a positive new way of thinking! Just this one simple step, a positive change, is going to be your best motivational tool to evolving into a more positive thinker.

It is a brave thing to motivate yourself toward a positive mindset. You will have more excuses to continue your path towards being an ex-smoker, without any baggage. You cannot make any excuses with a positive mind! It is simply impossible.

You have a great tool to keep all of your past blocks from stopping you. It will be a great way to bring yourself into a new life, and will be powerful for you. Don't let any old negativity stop you from this change.

Stop, and patiently move yourself forward into a way of thinking, that always sees the good in any event. You can either be positive about people around you or negative. You can choose! It is a great way to effect how you see results in your thinking, and will bring you into a peaceful and calm alliance with most people as well. Good things come to those who positively charge their environments forward to a great and powerful move in any decision or event.

You can effect how you see yourself in this manner, and if you consistently see yourself as an ex-smoker, you will become just that. A negative mind set will constantly come up with excuses and reasons why this will not work for you. If you want to move forward, keep yourself positive on the outcome-it is the only way you will make it happen.

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Nicotine Withdrawal - How Long Does It Last?

If you're considering quitting smoking, you've likely asked yourself 'how long does nicotine withdrawal last?' The length of time one experiences nicotine withdrawal varies with each individual. Also, each symptom of nicotine withdrawal, whether it is physical or psychological, has a different length and severity in which the person will experience the withdrawal.

Physical symptoms such as fever, sweating, aches and pains can last up to 12 weeks, but will typically peak 48 hours after the smoker has refrained from smoking. Out of all the physical symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, these are the most uncomfortable and are usually the reason why smokers decide not to quit. Other symptoms such as sore throat, coughing and shortness of breath are widely common and may last up to 4 weeks. The reason for this is that, while smoking, mucus and tar builds up in the smokers lungs. The body's natural reflex to expel the build up in the lungs is to cough, however excessive coughing most likely leads to sore throat and can also irritate the airways making them become inflamed and cause shortness of breath. For these physical symptoms to completely disappear, it will sometimes take the smoker 6 months of being smoke-free.

Emotional and psychological symptoms carry their own level of discomfort. Along with the physical symptoms, someone who has recently quit smoking may experience depression, anxiety, and irritability. These symptoms of nicotine withdrawal most likely stem from the psychological connection made while the smoker indulged in their habit. Most people who smoke will do so relieve the feelings of depression and anxiety. While smoking may temporarily relieve these negative feelings, the underlying cause of their depression and anxiety remained. When the option to smoke for relief is no longer available, these feelings surface and, if not dealt with properly, may cause irritability. The length in which these symptoms last can be indefinite, as the source of the problem has not been identified and/or treated.

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Is the Stop Smoking Gum Enough?

Usage of a stop smoking gum is one of the oldest methods of smoking cessation; well, at least since everyone started being aware that the simple pleasures of smoking a cigarette really was, and still is, a hazard. However, with smoking cessation techniques and processes popping up all over the place, the nicotine gum seems to have been overshadowed, not to mention ridiculed. There are two things that aided the downfall of this product, and this article will list both, as well as how it still has a place in a smoker's therapy. After reading this article, you can decide for yourself if you should continue to patronize the nicotine gum.

Point #1 - Smokers have quit without them
There were already smokers who have managed to quit smoking way before the stop smoking gum has even begun to exist. Some experts agree that this proves the worth of the nicotine gums - where they mean to say that they don't do jack. Professionals often argue about the gums as they believe that every smoker can, with proper treatment, overcome their nicotine addictions without the need for a gradually decreasing alternative nicotine supply.

Point #2 - Nicotine Gums Backfire
Nicotine gums were manufactured for one thing - to replace the cigarettes as the supply of nicotine. The gums are manufactured with different levels of nicotine in them, for which a smoker can choose to purchase and administer less and less amounts of the substance into their bloodstream. However, the nicotine gums have become a smoke free cigarette, and since they cost more than smokes, smokers go back to cigarettes.

The Response
While there were already smokers who have quit the habit without outside help, there are other smokers who do not share the same level of will and determination. At times, deep down, they don't even want to quit so they will not be able to do so even with help from multiple smoking cessation approaches. Take hypnosis, for instance. It is a very effective approach only matched by the monumental flaw of not being able to penetrate a mind that doesn't want to quit smoking.

This goes the same for the stop smoking gum. If you have no desire to quit at all, the nicotine gum will only be a temporary change of scenery that you will soon abandon for the cheaper cigarettes. The point is, without a strong personal drive, NONE of the smoking cessation techniques will work. As for the question of whether the gum is enough, it depends on how determined you are to quit.

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Want to Quit Smoking? Take the Help of Qualified Online Doctors

If you are a smoker, chain smoker or an 'off and on' smoker you need to quit smoking on the double! Quitting smoking is not an easy task and can take a serious toll on both the mind and the body. Because of this it's important that you take the right kind of help in terms of consultation and treatment options to help you quit smoking with ease.

Online Consultation

If there is one reason that people don't think twice about why they don't take quit smoking help; it is that they don't have the time to go to a doctor for a consultation. Some people are genuinely circumspect about going to a doctor with their smoking problem. For them and a host of other smokers, online consultation has emerged as a great option. You can now get a consultation sitting in the cool comforts of your home. It's a comfortable, convenient, and easy way of knowing just which treatment options are going to help you quit smoking. So, now there is no reason for anybody to cite time as a reason for not consulting a medical expert.

Free online consultation - The process

There are a number of reliable online sources that have a clear process of consultation; moreover, the process is also free. There are also a few important aspects to the free online consultation process with respect to the data that your provide to the online source. You will be asked to provide a few personal details about yourself; after that you will also need to answer a few general and specific medical questions about your health. It's important that these medical questions be answered to the best of your ability so that the doctors can ready their diagnosis in the best possible manner.

Trustworthy sources offering online consultation will never sell the personal information that you have provided and it's solely used for consultation purposes by the doctor. The information is kept private and confidential. If you want the right diagnosis, you need to give honest answers regarding your health. It is based on your answers that the doctor's going to assess whether you suffer from a particular medical condition or not. Also the correct treatment option is based on the information provided by you; wrong information will be your loss.

Smoking cessation aids

If you are a smoker and planning to quit smoking then consultation with an online clinic will provide information about the various smoking cessation aids available for your benefit. There are a variety of smoking cessation aids and new ones are being introduced regularly. However, there are three effective and popular smoking cessation aids that are usually prescribed including Champix, Zyban and NRT (Nicotine Replacement Therapy).

Champix is a smoking cessation drug from Pfizer which is very much in the news for its success rate in helping people quit smoking. Its active ingredient varenicline has the same effect on the brain receptors as does nicotine, but it aims to rid people of the habit of smoking. It reduces withdrawal symptoms and the pleasure associated with smoking.

Zyban is a smoking cessation drug from GlaxoSmithKline that was developed as an anti-depressant. In clinical trails it was found that the drug also helps in smoking cessation. It now is a very popularly prescribed smoking cessation drug. The working of Zyban is not very clear, but it does seem to interrupt the functioning of all those areas associated with addiction to smoking.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)

NRT comes in various forms including chewing gums, inhalers, lozenges, patches, and nasal spray. All NRTs come in a variety of amounts when it comes to nicotine content and over a period of time you need to take NRTs having lesser and lesser nicotine till you finally don't feel the need for it. NRTs are essentially products that release nicotine into the blood stream in extremely low doses. This helps counter the withdrawal symptoms that are a result of stopping smoking. Don't for a moment think that these products are a replacement for your smoking habit. The use of these products will slowly help you get rid of your fondness for nicotine. More importantly, though these products contain nicotine, the amount is smaller and there is no addiction to the harmful substances that are a part of tobacco like carbon monoxide and tar.

Webmaster associated with online clinic "HealthExpress" this site provides various information on Champix (Varenicline) and helps people in curing Quit Smoking, resources are available on site

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

10 Tips to Help You Stop Smoking

Smoking is considered both a habit and an addiction. The good news is that if you can go for three days without a cigarette you have beaten the addiction to nicotine. The nicotine takes approximately seventy two hours to leave your body no matter how long you have been smoking or how many cigarettes per day you usually smoke.

The bad news is that after those three days you are no longer an addict, you have a habit and a habit typically takes more work and more time to clear your mind than nicotine does to leave your system. What that means is that for the vast majority of smokers some other work will have to be done. 24% of the general population can stop after one hypnosis session and are likely to be the ones who would have been able to stop smoking cold turkey anyway.

For the rest of you, the smoking habit and all the emotional components that go along with a habit must be explored and worked through. Hypnosis is still considered the single best way to stop smoking with the highest rates of success in comparison to other methods such as the patch, prescription medication, nicotine gums, and inhalers. Up to 85% of the smoking population can successfully stop smoking after4- 5 hypnotherapy sessions using a combination of techniques that include NLP, Parts Therapy, positive suggestions, aversion therapy and regression work.

Here are some suggestions to help you on your journey towards becoming a permanent non-smoker:

1. Stop using the word "quit"! No one wants to be a quitter and subconsciously we have resistance to quitting anything. Change to stop smoking, cease, end etc. These words have more positive connotations for us subconsciously.

2. Every time you buy a pack of cigarettes, change brands completely, for example go from Du Maurier to Craven "A" etc.

3. As soon as you open the pack of cigarettes, cut them all in half. Some people prefer to limit the number of puffs they take to three or four then throw the rest of the cigarette away, however this can be a more difficult choice for some.

4. Replace cigarettes with fruit, preferably oranges, but any fruit will do. Great for vitamins and fibre, helping you detoxify the tar and nicotine from your body while keeping your hands and mouth busy with something other than a cigarette.

5. Change all your associations such as if you always have coffee with a cigarette, try switching to tea etc.

6. Change the times you usually smoke by waiting an extra 15 minutes to see if you can distract yourself.

7. Use a deep breathing technique to overcome cravings. Belly breathing is a good one: inhale through the nose to the count of five, hold it for a second then exhale through the mouth to the count of five, repeat at least five times, more if necessary.

8. Write a list of all the benefits you will gain by stopping smoking, such as fresh breath, better sense of taste and smell, more money to spend on clothes, vacations, new car etc. Look at this list at least once a day and add to it when you feel inspired to.

9. Take the money you would normally spend on cigarettes and put it into a separate account or jar at home. Reward yourself with your savings!

10. Consider taking some stress and/or anger management training, meditation classes, yoga etc. to help you deal with nervous tension, any mood swings or other issues that may arise as you transition into your new healthier lifestyle!

Good luck with your journey, you can do it!

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Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy - Does It Really Work?

Yes, it does work - when you want it to!

It will work for you only if you have an open mind. Yes, hypnosis works when you want it to work. To begin with, hypnotherapy should be undertaken under the guidance of a professional only. They treat your addiction by curing the reason you smoke. A hypnotherapist makes you go into a trance. This is a state of sleep in which you are relaxed and more acceptable towards the suggestions that are going to be made by the hypnotherapist. Once you are relaxed and have reached the depth of the trance, the hypnosis CDs or hypnosis music used by the hypnotherapist is going to instill the encouragement to stop smoking, into your subconscious and unconscious mind.

Usually many stop smoking hypnotherapy sessions include you getting a pack of DVDs and CDs that you can play while going to sleep. Contrary to popular belief, you are not completely unconscious during these hypnotherapy sessions. Many people are aware of their surroundings, but being in the haze of hypnosis releases all the stress and tension in your mind. This enables your mind to concentrate on the advantages of kicking the habit and turning into a new person. Nobody enjoys being trapped in an addictive phase. Stop smoking hypnotherapy encourages and helps you to maintain the will power to get out of it.

It does not work-if you do not want it to

However, all these efforts are of no use if you are not willing to accept the cure. There are many people who are forced into some kind of therapy by friends or family and they do their best to avoid accepting any suggestions or cure that the stop smoking hypnotherapy suggests. Therefore it is important that you are mentally prepared to quit smoking when you start these hypnotherapy sessions. Hypnotherapy works when the affirmative verbal words that are spoken during this hypnosis technique are readily accepted. These have to be agreed by the person who wants to be treated. Otherwise, there are no results.

Keep an open mind-to help hypnosis cure you

If you do not want to stop smoking then your mind consciously does the opposite of whatever has been instilled into your sub-conscious. You tend to block and override these words as you are not ready to act on it yet. Another reason of your mind not accepting the stop smoking hypnotherapy sessions is because you have not been completely relaxed before the session starts. It is mandatory that you reach a deep level of calm and relaxation to be able to accept the suggestions made by the hypnotherapist. Hence, you need to be honest and willing to co-operate with the healer to help you with quitting!

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Use Hypnosis For Smoking to Quit Your Addiction

Smoking is one of the biggest causes for lung and oral cancer throughout the world. Governments have even resorted to printing horrific images on the cover of cigarette packets to keep people away from smoking. Still there are a majority of people who cannot kick the habit of smoking. Many individuals decide to quit on special occasions like weddings, Christmas, New years, while they are expecting a child, etc. But these commitments do not last very long.

Hypnosis - The cure

The good news is that there is another way out. We all have heard of quit smoking hypnosis, stop smoking hypnosis and even free stop smoking hypnosis. These are tools or programs of hypnosis for smoking. Through these procedures different forms of hypnosis are used to help people quit the habit of smoking. These might come in forms of hypnosis CDs, or you might have to attend a hypnosis course to learn self hypnosis stop smoking tips. Does it really work, you might ask. There are many surveys and comments from successful cases that have used such hypnosis for smoking. Therefore you need to give yourself the best chance to enable to quit smoking by risk free methods - i.e. use hypnosis for smoking.

Advantages of using hypnosis for smoking

Below enlisted are some advantages of using hypnosis for smoking:

1) Your health risk decreases the moment you quit smoking. You will be doing your family a whole lot of good by stopping this habit. They will no longer be prone to passive smoking because of you.
2) You will feel a renewed sense of energy on trying the hypnosis for smoking, as it is risk free and helps you in kicking the habit for good.
3) Since it is a completely natural process you will get immense help in fighting the cravings and withdrawal symptoms that is part of this quitting process.
4) Surveys reveal that with the help of hypnosis for smoking there is a success rate of 66% higher as compared to when tried on your own
5) Hypnosis is a powerful tool. This acts on the subconscious and unconscious mind. It helps locate the reason behind your addition. Many times it is fear of letting go as you have become comfortable with the habit; some times it is a deep ingrained insecurity. Hypnosis for smoking identifies this reason and treats it.
6) Getting yourself to quit this habit should be one of your biggest achievements in your life. Everyone wants to turn into a better human being and lead a healthier life. This is your first step towards this change. After that you will observe for yourself how fit you feel.

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Quitting Smoking - Enlightenment for Your Success!

If you are tired of feeling out-of-place by being a smoker and find it hard to quit smoking you are not alone. Enlightenment is what is needed to make your move to successful cessation from the powerful addiction of nicotine.

Today smoking is viewed as a taboo because of the proven health hazards of smoking and second-hand smoke. More and more places are introducing bylaws to limit areas where you can publicly smoke. You are now outnumbered by ex-smokers and non-smokers. You smell, your clothes smell and if you smoke in the house everything in your house smells. You know this and you want to quit; but how do you quit?

Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances. When you introduce it into your lungs, it reaches your brain in 6 seconds. It can take only one cigarette to become addicted and once addicted over time you form habits around smoking. You have one with coffee, a favourite drink or alcohol, while talking on the phone, when you get up or after you eat. You know your own habits that are tied to smoking. When the cravings hit you smoke and it feels good. Those cravings are both physical and psychological.

The reason why it can be so difficult to quit is because of the combination of those physical and psychological cravings that support your addiction. The physical craving is from the lack of nicotine in your brain's feel good receptors that takes place of your endorphins. Those craving are triggered by the nicotine floating around in your blood stream. The psychological cravings come from your minds inner self that rationalizes your addiction. That inner self is the addictive voice that you created with this addition. The Rational Recovery Group whom teaches the addictive voice recognition concept for dealing with addictions calls this inner voice the beast. You can give it whatever name you want; it supports your addiction.

As a smoker, in your mind you may want to quit smoking, but when the mind and brain is in conflict it is the brain that usually wins. Your brain which is stimulated by pain and pleasure is addicted to the temporary pleasure provided by nicotine. When you're out of nicotine the toxins from the cigarette make you feel bad but you want to feel good. Your mind with your addictive voice will make sure of that. Now that you know all this how do you quit?

In order to succeed in smoking cessation you must deal with three aspects to quitting smoking. They are the physical withdrawal, the psychological withdrawal and the detoxification of the body from nicotine and toxins introduced by your smoking. Foremost you must want to quit and even though the process of quitting may be a tough challenge, you will succeed and you will join the ranks of ex-smokers.

There are a variety of methods for quitting smoking. Cold turkey with a plan using information found on the Internet will work. There are support groups, websites and quit smoking books that will improve your success. Quit smoking aids known as the patch, gum and now inhaler work by slowly withdrawing the nicotine over time. Aids do work, however, they still put nicotine into your system and they too may become habit-forming. Another method is using drugs known as Zyban and Champix. Your doctor can prescribe one of these drugs to help with the physical withdrawal from nicotine. Their down side are the hefty warnings regarding their possible side effects. Other natural health methods are, acupuncture, laser therapy, hypnosis and bio-resonance. These methods are drug-free and despite the fact that each of them does not have an official study on their success rate, unofficial data shows them to be quite high. They usually have a program that deals with the three aspects to quitting smoking and provide support.

Knowledge gives you the power to achieve your goal. Garner as much as you can on the methods to quit and make your decision. Also check to see if you have referrals. Whatever method you choose, you must incorporate in your plan the three aspects to quitting smoking. Want, know, do and you will succeed.

Phil Barrs is and ex-smoker for more than 25 years. He had to quit the hard way "Cold Turkey". He knows the zero tolerance rule that applies to ex-smokers. Addiction happens again from one puff of one cigarette 2 minutes, 2 hours, 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 years or 20 years from the day of quitting. Phil moved from the computer industry to the heath and fitness field to pursue his interest in helping people with their well-being and self-improvement using low level laser therapy. You can find out more information at Imagine Laserworks Vancouver.

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Ten Steps to Quit Smoking

There are quite a few different programs out there to help people quit smoking. None of them are quite like this program. I have tried to make this as unique as possible. At the very least, this list is not boring.

1. Throw away all the cigarettes you own. I don't understand why people think that they will be able to quit if they keep the substance that they are addicted to. If you keep your cigarettes then you are not really quitting. You will only have a shot if you get rid of all of them.

2. Go out partying. The night that you quit smoking should be one of the most fun nights of your life. Rent a room at a fancy hotel, and throw a party with all of your friends. Reward yourself for starting this plan.

3. Exercise. The day after the party, you should start exercising more than you ever have before. You should start a routine that you can follow every day. Over the next few weeks you should get getting into the best shape of your life.

4. Eat everything. Since you are exercising, you can afford to eat a little more. Some people complain about gaining weight when they quit smoking. Forget about that. When you quit smoking, you can taste better than ever. Food will be more delicious to you. Enjoy the taste of the food. Eat plenty of it. Just make sure you counterbalance it by exercising like mad.

5. Try new things. The more you separate yourself from your old life the better. Become a new person. Try to be more energetic, and try to have more fun. Go on an adventure. Spend your whole day dreaming up an adventure, and then do it.

6. Be romantic. If you have a partner, then be romantic with them. If you don't, then pursue a love interest. Being romantic can be the most thrilling experience of a lifetime. Falling love, risking everything for them, and being swept away or left in the gutter will be as close to living as you ever get.

7. Spend some money on something you want. You will be saving a lot of money by not purchasing cigarettes. Save this money in a jar for the first few weeks. Watch it add up, and then spend it on something fun. Life is more fun now that you aren't smoking.

8. Start taking yoga classes. By now you're healthier than ever before. So, why not take a crazy class that you never thought about before. You can increase your balance, strength, and flexibility with yoga.

9. Stay away from situations where you see other people smoking. After you have quit for a while, you might be more tempted than ever. Don't let other people influence you. You are so much happier now.

10. Never forget to reward yourself. Whether it is your one week or ten year anniversary of quitting, you should reward yourself. This is quite an accomplishment, and you need to remind yourself that you care.

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Monday, September 27, 2010

Smoking - Let The Nature Help You Give It Up

By Arta Marta Platinum Quality Author Arta Marta
Level: Platinum

Arta just recently discovered the beauty of internet marketing. Before that she was just a casual internet surfer, but now she is keen on exploring ...

In order to give up smoking, people usually use psychotherapy. However, once you manage to give it up, most likely you are going to experience unpleasant feelings, such as, depression, annoyance and anxiety. Herbal remedies are able to reduce these feelings. You should use not only herbal decoction and tincture, but also fresh herbs. The best plants are greens, vegetables (celery, parsley, carrot and beet), cranberry, red bilberry and etc.

The article deals with effective herbal remedies to help you with abandonment of smoking and the unpleasant feelings you experience after it. Before performing any healing procedure on your own, you should visit your doctor to discuss the remedy you are willing to use, as well as, any side effect it might cause.

Infuse a tablespoon of the southern blue gum leaves with half a liter of boiling water and fill a thermos bottle with the tincture. Leave it to brew for an hour and decant. Add a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of glycerin to the tincture and mix thoroughly. Drink one fourth of a glass of the mixture 6-7 times a day to get rid of nicotine addiction. Perform the procedure for 3-4 weeks.Infuse a tablespoon of common bistort rootstock with a glass of boiling water and leave the tincture to brew for an hour. Decant it and use the decoction as a mouth rinse 4-8 times a day before smoking. It is going to reduce your wish to smoke.Infuse 2 tablespoons of oaten fruits with a glass of hot water and boil the tincture. Leave it to brew for 2-3 hours and decant. Drink one third of a glass of the decoction 4-5 times a day to excrete nicotine out of your organism. The course of treatment should last for 3-4 weeks.Mix equal quantities of common valerian rootstock and root, caraway fruits, fennel fruits, scented mayweed blossoms and peppermint leaves. Infuse 2 tablespoons of the mix of herbs with half a liter of boiling water and leave the tincture to brew for 2-3 hours. Decant it and drink a glass of the decoction twice a day. You should add a tablespoon of honey to the tincture. It is a great remedy to deal with nervousness, increased irritability and insomnia caused by abandonment of smoking.

The course of treatment usually lasts for 2-3 months. There should be an interruption of 10-14 days every month. You should change the remedies periodically.

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Article Submitted On: September 15, 2010

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Setting A Date to Quit Smoking

By Cheryl Hanson Cheryl Hanson
Level: Basic PLUS

A University of Minnesota graduate who has worked in garment manufacturing and research and development in the medical device industry. A progressive thinker, planner and ...

You must set a date to begin your freedom from smoking. Your cigars, cigarettes or pipe smoking has to come to an end. You are recognizing that you are sick of being tied to your addiction. You want out!

Before you choose a date, you need to set yourself up for success. You will need some pieces to the puzzle before you start.

1. Motivation: What is this urgent need that brings you forward to quit smoking? Are you sure you really want to do this? Understanding how motivated you are to succeed will be a great thing as you face the new challenges ahead. If you are extremely motivated to complete this task to perfection, you have it in the bag! Nothing will stop you from being an ex-smoker.2. Remaining Positive: If you are constantly letting your internal dialogue remain negative, you will not succeed. It will be important to keep your thoughts positive and always cheer you along. If you are not able to motivate into a positive frame of mind, you will be less likely to handle the challenges ahead.3. Pledge to Yourself: If you are not sure that you want to quit, how can you? You must be 100% committed to this task. You cannot succeed if you have even a tiny bit of skepticism to your mindset. If you are still reading smokers forums online about taste and value etc, you need to decide when you are ready to tell your forum you are an ex. Are you ready for the backlash? If you are putting your boxing gloves on right now, I am so proud of you!4. Commit with Confidence: You have no fear, no uncertainty in your decision. You are sure you are quitting for all the right decisions. You have no misconceptions about why you are quitting. No one is making you do this, you are the decision maker. 5. Set up Your Expectations: You are ready to quit, now, pace yourself. You are going to have enormous challenges. You may experience failures. If this happens, what will you do? Completely give up? No way, it is not allowed. If you do not allow yourself to fail, and remind yourself that you will only start again on your dedicated path, you will succeed.

Your challenges, triggers, emotional trials and tribulations will be very powerful. You need to be more powerful than all the excuses, the history, the steps that still keep you smoking today.

You will be more powerful than any of these challenges if you are ready. Step through with a support system, and find your way to the other side.

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Article Submitted On: September 10, 2010

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The Quickest Way To Stop Smoking!

There is a little known technique out there that is quietly changing people's lives in the most amazing way. It is a technique so powerful yet so quick. It can stop someone from wanting to smoke in about 10 minutes... It can stop someone from wanting to eat chocolate, a cake, chips, crisps... in fact any food type.

This technique can even be done over the phone, so you don't even have to travel to see a therapist. It's like a psychological version of accupuncture, but you don't use needles. This technique is called EFT, which stands for Emotional Freedom Technique.

When you tap with the fingertips on the various meridian points around the body, you stimulate those points which are tuned into the problem... and the brain re-codes the anxiety surrounding the issue you are working on, therefore desensitizing the stress related to that issue.

When we hold guilt, sadness, anger, stress and other similar kinds of emotions, we manifest that in our expressions, our posture... everything about how we are shows in some way or another. So when we change the emotional state, then suddenly the life script also changes.

The subtle energies that circulate throughout the body have been largely ignored (until recently) by Western Scientists. As a result, the use of them for emotional, physical and spiritual healing has been sparse at best.

In the EFT world they consider these subtle energies to be the front running cause of emotional (and physical) upsets. Therapists regularly see results that are far beyond those of conventional methods of healing.

It's hard to think of an issue that can't be helped in some way by using EFT... e.g. weight loss, stop smoking, phobias, stress, anxiety relief and many more.

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You MUST Stop Smoking

Confession time: I smoked, on and off, for 30 years. I lost around 10 teeth as a result and I think myself lucky to have 'got away with it'.

Smoking kills. Make no mistake. If you speak to any smoker, they want to or are thinking of quitting. The reason for this is fairly simple. They know that smoking is not good for them. It makes them smell, gives them bad breath, is expensive and causes untold damage to their lungs and other vital organs. It also causes depression and other untold misery.

Look, I am not going to go on. There's plenty of documentation out there about the dangers of smoking and that is why most Western governments are now putting work and public place bans on smoking.

Smoking is not good for you. In fact, if governments spent 100% of the revenue received from the excise duties raised from the sale of tobacco products, on the re-education of smokers, instead of the 0.5% (yes, 1/200th) currently spent, then there would be no need for me to be spouting this message. People would be educated, even brainwashed, about the evils of smoking. However, the truth of the matter is that various governments around the world have been 'bought' by the tobacco lobby and not only have they become 'addicted' to the lobbyist donations (or bribes), they have also become 'addicted' to the revenues that tobacco produces for the general coffers. So, the answer lies with you my friend and it is fairly simple...

If you don't smoke, don't start.

If you do smoke, find a way to stop.

By the way, after smoking on and off for 30 years, I had a ?1,000 bet with a friend that the next one of us to light up, after an agreed date, would pay ?1,000 to charity. That one simple strategy stopped us both smoking there and then (and we have both saved enough to afford the ?1,000 donation, but we have not started again). But that's just one strategy, it worked for us. Try it. Try anything. But whatever you do: STOP SMOKING (or don't start).

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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Stop Smoking Lozenges

For youths all over the world, smoking has become a growing problem. It will surely put you in the wrong step to the future of a young man or woman in order to build a happy life.

The importance to put a stop to this kind of an irritating habit has grown in leaps and bounds with many mature communities in the public has an interest to save their offspring from destruction. This is where the newest product in the market to stop people from smoking, “stop smoking lozenges” has come in handy. This handy little stop smoking lozenges will surely do their part in bringing the person’s interest on smoking down in great phase. It is worthwhile trying these stop lozenges even with few drawbacks they produce.

Smoking is a single most destructive activity for one’s lungs and it is considered that the chances of surviving with perfectly healthy lungs after being a chain smoker is minimum. It is not often seen that a habitual smoker would give up his addiction easily. Intoxication enforced by the fags will lead to a this sort of a situation. They tend to become so adapted to it and the fags will start to rule their lives thereafter. It is hence essential to somehow put a stop to this undesirable factor in one’s life.

According to the information provided by the manufacturer or an advice from a doctor, the victim of smoking will have to use the correct dosage of stop smoking lozenges.

In many shopping dealers all around the world, these stop smoking lozenges could be obtained. With easy shipping abilities these stop smoking lozenges have become easier to get right in to your door step.

For everyone who is affected by the irritating habit of smoking, these stop smoking lozenges are a great chance to get out of the dent. Especially for a chain smoker who is looking for a less dangerous and reliable way of getting rid of it, stop smoking lozenges could just be the right option.

Give up the old and nasty habit of smoking by getting in to the new refreshing of stop smoking lozenges. It will after all save your lungs, your brain and further more your future.

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Stop Smoking Laser Treatment

It is evident by now how smoking has ruined the lives of many people including that of many young, educated and popular personalities. Most youngsters get involved in this deadly habit by accident or by peer pressure. Afterwards these youngsters tend to smoke it regularly and then get hooked on it.

The problem today stands at its global stance in a universal notion that makes us believe that smoking is not restricted to any age group. The positive news is that there have been many tried and tested ways of stop smoking too. Many other methods are being developed thanks to reseach and technology and one such improvement in the field that gives us hopes about a promising future is stop smoking laser treatment.

Although the stop smoking laser treatment method has been introduced from sometime back it had been under careful scrutinity for many years. And as it stands now stop smoking laser treatment has proven to be one of the most effective ways of stop smoking. Many medical companies and hospitals are now working on making this stop smoking laser treatment technology better and more accessible to everyone around the country.

Although informercials and other such campaigns are active in society, cigarette smoking becomes a habit which eventually makes the user an addict. That is why many moms are worried about their kids even frequenting school. Although many smokers undertand the issue of smoking they can't seem to give up on the habit. If you talk to smokers, you will find that many of them are continuously looking for ways to stop smoking. So considering the issue at hand stop smoking laser treatment is one of the best ways to get around the problem.

Some people believe that stop smoking laser treatment comes with side effects. This is mainly due to the many mishaps that have occurred in medical history when it comes to technology. But researchers have tested and now guarantee results when it comes to stop smoking laser treatment. If you re still unsure, there are ways to learn more about stop smoking laser treatment and see for yourself if what they say is true. Follow a simple online search on stop smoking laser treatment and follow through the information that is available in order to learn more.

If cigarette smoking is a habit that is bothering your mind, why not settle for stop smoking laser treatment in order to big good bye for smoking forever?

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Teenage Smoking

Teenage smoking is a problem that many parents have to deal with and according to statistics, each day, there are about 3900 children under the age of 18 start smoking. Teenage smoking is believed to be widespread in kids with behavioral problems such as violence and drug and alcohol abuse.

One thing you ought to realize about teenage smoking is the fact that it does not only affect children that belong to other people but may also affect your kids. The pull factors in teen smoking are peer pressure and sensational advertising. It is likely that your teen kids will be attracted to take up smoking if they observe their favorite superstars smoking on TV. It is also possible they will start smoking if the pals they hang out with and/or attend school with smoke.

There are many reasons why teen kids take up smoking and the chances of your children starting to smoke are high if you as the parent smoke. Teen kids also start smoking because of low self-image or self-esteem and 13 to 19 are very crucial years in this case. It is at this age that the kids get to know whom they are and try out many different things smoking being one of them in an effort to fit in with their peers. As a way of handling stress, the teen also takes up smoking in other cases while teenage girls turn to cigarettes in an effort to lose weight. Teens also start smoking since tobacco products and cigarettes are available. The reason why teenage smoking is on the increase has to do with the fact that the children have easy access to the cigarettes.

You can prevent teenage smoking in a variety of ways and the first is educating your child on the danger of smoking.  You need to start when the child is very young but you also ought to be a good example to your children.  This means you must never smoke in front of your kids and you must also never leave cigarettes lying about since they may be enticed to try them out. 

All the same, if your kids have already taken up smoking there are ways you might be able to assist them and you may for instance look for professional assistance.  Physicians may give details on the aids that children may use to quit smoking but you ought to frequently converse and comfort your kid.  Stopping smoking is not one of the effortless things in the universe so tell the children you will offer your support no matter what.

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Effects Of Cigarette Smoking

Unfortunately, the numerous effects of cigarette smoking to include bronchitis and cancer are not fully understood by most people. 

The truth is that cigarette smoke not only puts the smoker at risk, people around that person are at risk due to second hand smoke and even lifestyle can be affected.

In addition, people need to know that several parts of the body can be damaged by tobacco smoke.  For one thing, people who smoke are at risk for wrinkled and aged skin, they have a decreased intake of oxygen, and blood circulation is affected.  The effects of cigarette smoking also involve yellowing teeth, plaque build-up, and bad breath.  In fact, some smokers end up with dried gums and loose teeth.

The most significant and dangerous of all effects of cigarette smoking has to do with cancer, which can involve the larynx, throat, lips, and mouth.  Then, the smoker having not only bad breath, they also experience a reduced sense of taste, as well as recurrent sore throat.  With a reduction of blood circulation, smokers often have cold hands and feet, especially toes and fingers, not to mention yellowing stains from the tar.

While a smoker’s own health is reason enough to understand the effects of cigarette smoking, there is also the problem associated with the high cost of cigarettes.  Today, the average cost for a pack of cigarettes is $5.  That means smoking one pack a day, that person would pay more than $1,800 annually.  The $150 to $155 a month spent on cigarettes could go to things such as bills, groceries, school supplies, and in a year, a vacation, new appliance, or down payment on a car.

Back in 1999, former President Bill Clinton and his administration made an accusation toward the tobacco industry, stating they were a part of a huge racketeering plan by deceiving the public as to the real dangers associated with the effects of cigarette smoking.  They went on to say the tobacco industry knew the dangers but failed to educate people.

While people are at the greatest risk, even beloved pets are at greater risk for health issues specific to the effects of cigarette smoking.  It is common to see dogs and cats suffer from breathing problems, as well as cancer, all because of second hand smoke.

For anyone that smokes, now is the time to stop.  Looking at all the negative aspects of this bad habit and how it affects the smoker’s life but the lives of loved ones, stopping is the only choice.  Cigarette smoking has zero positive factors associated with smoking.


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Quit Smoking Pill

Today, the number of prescription drugs on the market to help people with illness, aches, symptoms, and everything else is incredible. For the individual that desperately wants to stop

smoking, even a pill for this exists. The stop smoking pill is formulated to decrease cravings for nicotine without leaving the person to deal with unpleasant side effects and withdrawal symptoms. Typically, doctors wait to prescribe this type of drug until all other options to stop smoking have been exhausted. The outcome however is success, giving the former smoker his or her life back.

The Pill to Stop Smoking is Not a Placebo Drug

Manufacturer and doctors that support the stop smoking pill take this very seriously, meaning they are not merely developing a placebo drug but one that actually contains helpful ingredients to assist with stop smoking. This type of drug works again by reducing cravings dramatically but also the horrible withdrawals symptoms that go along with the process. While there are many options for a pill to stop smoking, two that have shown to be the most effective include Wellbutrin and Zyban. Interestingly, Zyban is an antidepressant, which works by stimulating the pituitary gland through the release of endorphins, a chemical in the brain. When the endorphins are released, the individual experiences higher energy and a sense of euphoric. Then to help with withdrawal symptoms associated with the effort to stop smoking, the pill called Bupropion hydrochloride helps.

The way the quit smoking pill works is to fight off the body’s craving for nicotine, which is highly addictive. As the physical cravings for nicotine begin to decrease, the individual can get a better handle on the situation and start cutting down on the number of cigarettes smoked. A quit smoking pill such as this actually fools the body into believing that it is getting the same amount of nicotine it gets from cigarettes but in a manner that makes kicking the habit possible.

Usually, the smoker is prescribed the stop smoking pill and told to take it for a minimum of one week while still smoking. Then during the second week on the pill, the smoker would make a conscious effort to cut down on the number of cigarettes smoked daily. With Zyban, as the individual cuts back on cigarettes, he or she should have been able to stop altogether within seven weeks. However, if that person still has cravings after that time, doctors would assume that Zyban is not the right pill and would advise the person to discontinue use.

The best option for a quit smoking pill is one prescribed by a reputable doctor, not something advertised on television or over the country. A pill such as this does carry some side effects, which should be monitored and if they become too harsh, the doctor would be notified.

Additional Methods to Stop Smoking

The one downside to using a pill to stop smoking is high cost, often $130 with insurance and much more without. Therefore, individuals that simply do not have the money for this type of stop smoking tool, other options are available. For example, nicotine gum and patches are more affordable and they work, or the person might also consider hypnotherapy. In fact, many former smokers state that using these methods to stop worked great. The goal is for scientists and researchers to come up with a pill to quit smoking within the near future that would not only work and have few side effects but also be more affordable. In the meantime, anyone that wants to stop smoking but is having a difficult time should talk to a doctor to learn about the various options available.

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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Dangers of Smoking

While most people know that there are dangers of smoking, most have no real understanding as to the degree of danger and the effects on the lungs.

True, smoking can lead to lung cancer but what people need to know is all the dangers of smoking to understand the potential long-term effects.

As far back as 1953, several tobacco companies met in New York at the Plaza Hotel.  Together, they created a plan for educating the public about the various dangers associated with smoking.  The judge that ultimately ruled in the case was swept up in a “conspiracy”, one established by the tobacco companies stating no dangers existed.  However, this same judge oversaw the report that came out in 1964 by the Surgeon General, also stating that smoking was the direct link to lung cancer, among other health problems.  Even then, the various tobacco companies continued to put out false information and deny reports of danger.

During those years, a very interesting fact was revealed - tobacco companies were gearing their marketing strategies toward a younger generation.  While these very companies firmly stated they did not want young children to smoking, they continued efforts of advertising and marketing that caught the attention of youth.  In fact, the tobacco companies went so far as to hide the true dangers of smoking, especially for young people still in a growing phase.

Another sad report came out by tobacco companies stating that secondhand smoke posed no dangers.  The judge ruling in this case agreed that breathing in secondhand smoke posed no health risks.

What we all know today is that not only is smoking dangerous but there are also dangers of smoking specific to secondhand smoke.  New studies show that people around secondhand smoke breathe in approximately 15% of the level of nicotine that regular smokers inhale.  That means if a parent smoked around a small child it would come down to that child smoking too.

In addition to the smoker being at risk and people around the smoker, especially young children, even family pets are at risk.  This too has been studied and the facts are that animals around cigarette smoke also struggle with a variety of health problems, typically cancer and upper respiratory issues.

The dangers of smoking specific to the smoker are far worse than what people have been led to believe.  For instance, smokers are prone to decreased circulation, which means that blood going to the extremities is reduced.  Because of this, getting wounds to heal quickly is difficult.  The bottom line is that smoking is dangerous to everyone.  Knowing the facts should be an encouragement for people to quit!

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Stop Smoking Gum

For people that have ever smoked, they understand how hard it is to quit.  During the time of trying to quit, most people experience a number of symptoms such as headaches, mood swings, and anxiety, among others, which often pushes loved ones to stop supporting the person quitting.  To make it easier to stop smoking, several different products have been developed, which are made to ease these symptoms.  One of the best known is stop smoking gum.

Cigarettes are made with addictive substances known as nicotine, which is why gets people hooked on smoking.  As soon as the smoking stops, nicotine also stops contaminating the body.  When this happens, the individual begins to crave a cigarette and with the urges being so intense, the smoking begins again.  To help a person quit and never start smoking again, the products substitute deadly nicotine with safe substances or very small amounts of nicotine.  Again, a top choice is a stop smoking gum known as Nicotine.

The way stop smoking gum works is that a very tiny amount of nicotine or another substance is released and then absorbed through the mouth.  Most products instruct the smoker to chew the gum when an urge to light up a cigarette occurs.  Keep in mind that along with gums that are chewed, there are also gums that are simply placed in between the cheek and gum, which also releases the needed ingredient.  By not chewing but allowing the gum to melt, the amount of nicotine released is small but getting into the bloodstream quickly.  With this, the gum would reduce cravings for about half an hour.

One very important note is that gums used to stop smoking are not traditional chewing gum products.  Even the flavor of gum used to stop smoking has a unique flavor, almost a spicy or peppery bite.  For this reason, the gum needs to be moved from one side of the mouth to the other during the time being used.  If the instructions are not carefully followed, excessive saliva could develop, which means the individual is getting too much nicotine in the system.  When this occurs, it would be common to experience a stomachache or a bout of nausea.

Anytime gum of this type is used, the person should not consume any food or drink beverages, which could cause too much nicotine to be swallowed.  Additionally, certain drinks should be avoided at all costs for 15 minutes before using the gum to include fruit juice, coffee, soda, or anything with a high level of acid.  Again, this allows the gum to work but without an overload of nicotine getting into the bloodstream.

Gum used for smokers in helping them quit comes in two doses of 2 or 4 milligrams.  In addition, manufactures now make gum in different flavors, the most popular being fruit and mint.  Because of changes seen with stop smoking gum, anyone trying to kick the habit should consider this as a viable option that has helped many other people.

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Quit Smoking Naturally

Smoking is a very dangerous habit, one that is directly linked to lung cancer among other health issues. 

If you were to look at the warning label on the pack provided by the Surgeon General and read reports online and in medical journals, it would be clearer as to the true dangers.  Sadly, people die every year from smoking and since quitting saves lives, it makes no sense not to stop.  While stopping is hard, people serious about kicking the habit need to know they can accomplish this the natural way.

While a number of drugs are now available, most come with a long list of unwanted side effects.  For this reason, a growing number of smokers want to quit smoking naturally.  For pregnant women, teenagers, and the elderly that might not be able to take standard medication, this approach is a better alternative.

Natural herbs have become a popular choice.  For instance, herbal gum is now on the market.  This natural product actually works well.  Most smokers trying to quit need something to do with the mouth so chewing is a great stress reliever.  Of course, the directions for using herbal gum needs to be followed in that too much would be considered unsafe.

Another option is using natural herbs in the form of tea to quit smoking naturally.  In this case, the overwhelming cravings that go along with smoking are greatly reduced.  You need to remember that smoking is dangerous and even deadly.  Therefore, being able to quit naturally, as in the case of herbs, is worth the investment of time and effort.  One additional benefit of using herbs is that while they help with the smoking problem, they are also loaded with important vitamins and nutrients.

Then, some people have found great success with the ancient Chinese remedy of acupuncture.  This remedy is another way to quit smoking  naturally, using very tiny needles that are strategically placed along nerves.  As a result, people find the need to smoke is greatly reduced or eliminated altogether.  Acupuncture is ideal for decreasing the nervousness that goes along with needing nicotine.

The great thing is that instead of turning to medication or simply not smoking, you have natural options.  This means avoiding unpleasant side effects and other problems that come with conventional treatment while still being able to give up the smoking habit.

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Stop Smoking With Hypnosis

You are already aware of the negative health implications that cigarette smoking bringsforth. The risk of cancer is no secret to us. There are different troubles such as heart and lung diseases and problems that will develop when you get into the habit of smoking. For many young and old smokers this habit has become addictive or unstoppable by will. These addicts and heavy smokers are more than aware of the consequences of smoking but at the same time they are unable to control it. This is where stop smoking with hypnosis cds will come in favorable.

The stop smoking with hypnosis cds takes a spiritual path in which your mental strength is tested and confronted through different means to get you to stop smoking.The stop smoking with hypnosis cds are geared and ready to undertake hard subjects who can even be addicted to smoking. The success rate of stop smoking with hypnosis cds and its effectiveness is known tobe very high. There are numerous cases that have been well referenced online and in other means of selective information where stop smoking with hypnosis cds have shaped wonders.

Many parents and loved ones of smokers and addicts of cigarettes have been on the lookout for a cure to this dreaded habit that has taken many lives of promising individuals. Thanks to the latest invention of stop smoking with hypnosis cds, your search for an effective method to get your loved one to stop smoking could be realized as true. Most tobacco users who believed for a long time that they can never stop smoking have given up the cigarette by just listening and following stop smoking with hypnosis cds.

There are plenty of ways for you to obtain stop smoking with hypnosis cds without any problem what so ever. All you have to do is conduct a quick search online on the topic and you will find many brands and products that relate to stop smoking with hypnosis cds. There are many web sites which are committed to aid smokers and also other internet sites which act as intercessors who offer information about stop smoking with hypnosis cds. You may follow one of these websites and get your self cured of smoking for once and for all. At the same time be aware of fake products which are made to steal from you and make your condition worse. So it s better to consult experts on the matter or follow trusted and certified websites.

Now is the time to take action. Start living your life to the fullest and say good bye to smoking using stop smoking with hypnosis cds..

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Stop Smoking Cold Turkey

For any smoker, heavy or light the complete and sudden withdrawal from smoking or stop smoking cold turkey would probably be the hardest thing to achieve. Usually the individual draws back to the habit as the withdrawal symptoms appear to be too hard to overcome.

Nonetheless, it is stated that stop smoking cold turkey is the method used by 80% to 90% of individuals who manage to quit the habit successfully.~However,it is claimed that 80% to 90% of those who manage to effectively quit the habit use the stop smoking cold turkey method.}

Nicotine, a highly addictive chemical is contained in cigarettes and when a smoker quits the habit, the nicotine cravings that are very difficult to overcome act up. In addition to the nicotine craving, withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, insomnia, fatigue and headaches may occur and may persist heavily during the first few days when one decides to stop smoking cold turkey.,apart from the nicotine cravings, symptoms of stop smoking cold turkey including irritability, insomnia,headaches and fatigue kick in and may continue profoundly during the first few days.} Certain methods such as Nicotine Replacement Therapy may be able to ease the symptoms and cravings by providing the body with a dose of nicotine through products such as nicotine gums, patches and sprays. methods such as Nicotine Replacement Therapy which administers a dose of nicotine to the body through products in the form of gums,patches and sprays could be used by an individual to relieve the symptoms and craving.}

Although this is an effective way to deal with the withdrawal symptoms, it promotes nicotine addiction in the body. An individual who was previously addicted to a cigarette may now be addicted to nicotine gum or patches. Although the body is given a lower dose of nicotine to reduce merely the stop smoking cold turkey symptoms, the body demands the old level of nicotine.

Thus, this creates a new level of required nicotine in the body. Therefore, it should be noted that using these products will only place an individual in a chronic state of drug withdrawal.~Therefore, it should be realized that this method creates a new level of required nicotine in the body and only places an individual in a chronic state of drug withdrawal.}

Only two methods exist to relieve this state, one is to stop the administering of nicotine completely and the other is to get back to smoking.It should be remembered that the withdrawal symptoms would heavily persist only during the first two weeks and it would normally decline subsequently.Thus, perhaps the best and most effective way to quit the habit is stop smoking cold turkey.

Support and guidance from friends and relatives is greatly needed by an individual who decides to stop smoking cold turkey . In addition, joining a support group or undergoing therapy and counseling sessions would also be helpful to an individual who wants to stop smoking cold turkey.

It should be remembered that quitting smoking, particularly to stop smoking cold turkey is indeed not a relatively easy feat to achieve. It will push the determination and the will power of the individual perhaps

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Monday, September 6, 2010

Smoking Laws

The smoking laws we see today are very different from those not too long ago. Compared to the past few years in particular there have been some pretty dramatic changes made to the smoking laws. Anyone who is starting up a business will have to be especially keen on the smoking laws so they can follow them. There is no way you are going to be able to follow the proper laws if you do not even know what they are.

The smoking laws state that most restaurants and businesses are not able to have smoking inside. This is much different than just four, five years ago when you could walk into almost any store or business and you were allowed to smoke. The main reason for this is that it is much harder for non-smokers to get away from the smoke if they are in somewhere than it is for a smoker to go outside before they light up. If you are picky and want to eat in a restaurant that does allow smoking, you will have to do some research and find out which locations still offer this because there are few.

Even if you go to a bar these days you will probably be told that you have to go outside if you want to have a cigarette. It is always important for business owners to be aware of smoking laws so they can follow them and not break the law, purposely or accidentally. Certain establishments do have the option and then it is up to you to decide which way you think are more to the benefit of your customers. They usually need special permits for this though and in a lot of cases it will cause the business to go down because there are more non-smokers than there are smokers.

If you are allowed the option of choosing you will want to consider who your target audience is. Restaurants for instance could have young children inside and so it only makes sense that smoking would have been cut out from those sorts of places. If you run a bar or casino you do not have to worry so much if you allow smoking because your audience is an older age group. Just make sure you put a lot of thought into this before making any final decisions, to do what is best for people and for your business.

For people who are just starting up a business this is a serious decision to make. This is something that could make or break your business. Make sure that your business is most relatable and comfortable to your customers. The smoking laws will probably continue to change in the future as well so you will want to keep an eye out for this.

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Using Hypnosis To Quit Smoking

Probably one of the hardest things a person will ever do is to make the decision and then follow through on the commitment to stop smoking. The challenge is that nicotine is highly addictive

from a psychological and physiological standpoint. For some people wanting to quit smoking, pills are expensive and other methods not effective. In this case, hypnosis is used and interestingly, it works. Numerous studies have been conducted specific to hypnosis and smoking and the results show that whether used as the only treatment or along with prescribed medication, hypnosis is a great tool to help a person stop smoking.

People that try to kick the nicotine habit need to stop beating themselves up. After all, the number of smokers that have quit but experienced a relapse is high. In fact, to be 100% successful, it takes the average person up to four attempts before finally putting the habit to rest. The great thing about using hypnosis to stop smoking is that in addition to helping with cravings and withdrawal symptoms, it also gets to the underlying reason the person started smoking.

The Way Hypnosis Works to Help People Stop Smoking

Cigarettes contain nicotine, a highly addictive substance that affects the cholinergic pathway associated with the brain. What makes smoking so fascinating is that it can energize a person, creating a better sense of awareness and quicker reaction time while also calming a person down with a sense of euphoric. Nicotine is the only substance known that is both an upper and a downer, which is why it is so addictive. With hypnotherapy, the individual that wants to stop smoking is trained to have positive and healthy thoughts and behaviors that create the same level of energy, concentration, and alertness that nicotine offers but without harmful chemicals.

When cigarettes are smoked, the nicotine encourages the brain to release hormones known as endorphins and dopamine, which are a naturally produced type of morphine but stronger. With this, the brain wants to experience more pleasurable moments and activities. Therefore, nicotine causes the brain to release chemicals that encourage a sense of calm and happiness that feels good. However, smoking is not just dangerous but deadly. Hypnotherapy can help a person stop smoking in that it shows the brain ways of releasing endorphins and dopamine without chemicals.

Another interesting fact about nicotine is that glutamate, a neurotransmitter stimulating memory and the ability to learn is released. This neurotransmitter works in the body by building better and stronger pathways between various neuron sets but for smokers, it actually enhances the addiction to nicotine by making the memory of feeling good while smoking stronger. The great thing about hypnotherapy is that the old connections created by nicotine are broken and the brain is taught new ways of building connections but in a healthy manner.

Dr. Joseph Barber, a renowned researcher with the University of Washington discovered that hypnotherapy specific to helping a person stop smoking is highly successful. In fact, through intense study, it was found that a single hypnotherapy session specific to a group of people wanting to quit smoking had a 25% success rate, still not smoking six to twelve months down the road. In addition, smokers that attended multiple hypnotherapy sessions increased success up to 66%, again remaining non-smokers up to one year later.

Without doubt, hypnotherapy is a powerful and effective tool that helps people who want to kick the cigarette habit. For people who are serious about quitting smoking, a one-time or multiple sessions would have a positive impact on the effort. Hypnotherapy could be used as a standalone treatment in the fight to stop smoking or coupled with prescribed medication.

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How To Quit Smoking

One has to quit smoking in order to live a healthy and longer life, but most try to quit smoking and fails before completing their pledge. One can easily quit smoking if they know what to expect, social support, and of course a workable game plan. Also, a person who wishes to stop smoking requires determination, commitment, and desire, and above all one should learn about the options and prepare to quit smoking. Few people stop smoking by going cold turkey, but most of them require a plan that helps slowly helps to stop smoking.

The most important step in how to quit smoking is to get ready and stop thinking negative about quitting methods. A person who wishes to quit smoking should do simple exercises, drink lots of fluids, avoid fatigue, and finally should take a lot of rest. Withdrawal signs of smoking are actually temporary and therefore one should not relapse to smoking and never give up their attempt to stop smoking. Even, a person can involve some other person to help them to stop smoking, and especially they can ask help from friends and family members.

One of the good methods is to change the cigarette brand which a person don’t like and also one can select a brand that is less in nicotine and tar. Next important thing is one should gradually cut down their daily cigarette usage and also one could even postpone their first cigarette lightening. Next is to take care of diet, it is believed that milk is not compatible with cigarette, so it is a good idea to take milk before smoking. Even, one can end their snacks or meals with something that is totally incompatible with cigarette, and these methods will help in slowly reducing the smoking habit.

One can make the habit of smoking very inconvenient by reducing the money wasted on buying cigarettes, instead of buying in cartons, one could buy a pack. One can even practice a day without cigarettes and motivate themselves that they won’t smoke again, even if this fails, never worry, and continue the attempt. For some people, throwing away all cigarettes, hiding ashtrays and lighters, and removing the smell of tobacco also do wonder to stop smoking. Finally, one can treat themselves, even if they didn’t smoke for a day. All the above simple methods on how to quit smoking will slowly and surely help to quit smoking.

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Quit Smoking Tips

Have you been a longtime smoker and now you want to quit? If so, you will reap the benefits by becoming a healthier person. Smoking is addictive so you need to understand that even with

the best, quit smoking tips, this is a process, a journey, but one worth taking. To some degree, you are going to have symptoms of withdrawal and experience cravings but this is normal and with sheer determination, they will pass. However, with some insider tips, you will reach your goal easier and ultimately have more success.

The First Step

One of the greatest quit smoking tips is to devise a plan, one that you can follow to stay on course, even when you have cravings. By having a great plan, you will know the right way to handle tough days so when you are in a certain environmental situation or feeling a certain way, you do not revert to smoking. As a part of your plan, you need to have multiple quit smoking tips gained from other people who have quit, doctors, the Internet, and so on.

Choose a Technique Specifically For You

The number of tips for quitting the tobacco habit exists but each smoker is going to react differently to each one. For this reason, people need to consider a variety of options, realizing that some things will fail and some succeed. For instance, some of the more popular quit smoking tips involve using laser, acupuncture, herbal remedies, hypnosis, nicotine patches and gum, going cold turkey, and the list goes on. Once you identify what seems to be working best for you, it is important to stay focused and not give up. If you find that you miss having a cigarette in your mouth, you might try herbal cigarettes made without nicotine. If you enjoy the mouth stimulation, perhaps gum or lozenges would work best. The process to quit smoking is hard but you need to use the various methods available and maintain a positive attitude. With this, you can go on to a long, healthy life.

It is important that you mix up your daily routine and change environment. The reason is that with smoking, you get into a routine, which means in addition to the physical addiction, you are now battling a physiological addiction. Simply steps of changing the time or place where you have your morning coffee, going for a walk after dinner instead of sipping a glass of wine, or calling a family member or friend to walk you through a tempting moment. With a few simply quit smoking tips, your goal of success will be achieved.

When You Start The Process to Quit Smoking

One of the important quit smoking tips is that when you get through a day without smoking, be proud. Instead of looking at how well you will do tomorrow or the day after, focus on one day at a time. In addition, rather than worry about what you are going to do when or if you get a craving for a cigarette, deal with the craving when it happens. Now, you should have a plan in place but do not dwell on it. Experts and ex-smokers agree that of all quit smoking tips, the one that makes the most sense and helps the most is to take baby steps. It is also important that if you slip one day, do not beat yourself up or give up on your quest. With all of this, you will finally kick the habit of smoking.

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