Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Your Reasons For Smoking and Why Those Aren't Good Reasons

People smoke for many reasons. For young adults, they smoke out of curiosity and peer pressure. Most of the time, they want to look mature and independent, to be like their friends, and to experiment.

The reasons for people to start smoking and the reasons for people to keep smoking are often different. As smokers engage more to the practice of puffing cigarettes, they begin to claim smoking as beneficial to them in many ways. However, these so-called "beneficial" ways that they get from smoking often vary among smokers.

Some people smoke to keep them going energetically. Some smoke just to have something in their mouth. Some smoke to feel relaxed and satisfied. Some smoke to manage negative emotions or to reduce tension. Some smoke due to psychological addiction to smoking while some people smoke as a behavior pattern.

The researchers find the Behavioral System Model of Dorothy E. Johnson as a guide to the study. According to Johnson, each person as a behavioral system is composed of seven subsystems namely ingestive which satisfies appetite; eliminative which excretes body wastes; affiliative which provides survival and security, social inclusion, intimacy, and formation and maintenance of strong social bond; aggressive which protects and preserves self and society within the limits imposed by society; dependence which promotes helping behavior that calls for a nurturing response, approval, attention or recognition, and physical assistance; achievement which attempts to manipulate the environment and master it to some standard of excellence, and sexual which is for procreation and gratification.

In addition, she viewed that each person strives to achieve balance and stability both internally and externally and to function effectively by adjusting and adapting to environmental forces through learned patterns of response.

Furthermore, Johnson believed that the patient strives to become a person whose behavior is commensurate with social demands; who is able to modify his behavior in ways that support biologic imperatives; who is able to benefit to the fullest extent during illness from the health care professional's knowledge and skills; and whose behavior does not give evidence of unnecessary trauma as a consequence of illness.

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A Timeline - Benefits of Not Smoking for 20 Minutes to 15 Years

The moment you make the resolution and drop that last cigarette stub, the benefits of not smoking begin. Each cigarette you smoke takes you one-step closer to death. Greatly increasing the chances of cancer in the lungs and throat, the nicotine in the cigarette directly affects your brain while the carbon monoxide binds with the hemoglobin reducing its oxygen carrying capacity. Shooting up pulse rate and blood pressure, smoking also increases chances of strokes as well as heart attacks.

With so many harmful effects on your health, quitting smoking is probably the best thing you can do for yourself and also your family. The benefits of not smoking begin within 20 minutes of you bidding goodbye to the last cigarette. The accompanying withdrawal symptoms are all momentary discomforts that are actually a part of your body's healing process.

The benefits of not smoking begin with your pulse rate and blood pressure dropping down to normal level. Within the next eight hours, the carbon monoxide level in your blood also comes down, leading to increased flow of oxygen, which revitalizes your damaged tissues. As the nicotine level keeps on falling, within 24 hours the risk of having a heart attack decreases considerably.

As the body becomes free from nicotine, within 48 hours the nerve endings start to regrow, greatly improving the sensory functions, and returning your sense of smell and taste. You start to breathe easy, the bronchial tubes relax, and you can even experience an overall increase in the energy levels within three days. Within two weeks your body regains its normal circulation and in a month's time you can feel a considerable decrease in your sinus congestion, fatigue, shortness of breath and coughing.

With so many immediate benefits of not smoking, sticking to your resolve of not smoking should be easier now. Lungs, which are the worst affected of all the organs in your body, begin to show signs of repair. And within two to three months you can get back about 30% of your lung function. The cilia of your respiratory tract regrow and the mucus secretion regenerates, holding back all dirt and germs and preventing chances of infection. Within a year, the risk of having a coronary heart disease reduces by half. Within five to ten years, the risk of having lung, throat, mouth, and esophagus cancer reduces to a great extent. In 15 years the Benefits of not smoking involve bringing down your susceptibility to coronary heart diseases to the level of a non-smoker. So, by quitting smoking you are actually saving your own life.

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Quit Smoking Hypnosis Delivers Amazing Results All The Time

Hypnosis is considered as an accepted professional science that is practised by experts and professional hypnotherapists. Hypnotherapy has helped a lot of people surmount many challenges in their lives. Hypnotherapy is effective in treating overweight people, and people who want to get rid of their addictions, depression and stress.

Hypnosis helps you relax while the hypnotherapist concentrates on the problem behavior or habit, including the specific goal to be achieved. During hypnosis, it doesn't mean you are asleep. The body and mind may be in heightened relaxation, but the subconscious is working and fully aware. In this condition, the subconscious is able to soak up any suggestions.

There are many interesting aspects about the subconscious mind. It cannot distinguish between imagination and what is real. It is the conscious mind's job to do that. It cannot determine whether something is merely an imagination or is reality. Thus, when suggestions are directed towards the subconscious without passing through the conscious mind, then some creative things are bound to happen. If you imagine not smoking and communicate that to the subconscious, then it will work. That's why Quit Smoking Hypnosis is effective - with the guidance of an able hypnotherapist, anything is possible.

The reason why the smoking habit goes back again and again to a previous quitter is that the subconscious mind is not involved in the patient's efforts to stop. The subconscious mind constantly pokes you to remind you that you need a cigarette despite the fact that the conscious mind says no. Therefore, the best way to stop smoking is to convince the subconscious mind that you no longer want to smoke and that it has negative consequences for you.

A hypnotherapist may investigate into the backgrounds of your smoking and what were the events in your life that led to it. Maybe it has been a habit to smoke after eating. If this is the case, the hypnotherapist can suggest to the subconscious mind to indulge in more healthy activities instead, like taking a stroll after a meal.

The hypnotherapist encourages positive thoughts during and under hypnosis. The smoker is convinced to believe that she or he can easily quit. Hypnosis has a rather high success rate. What is more interesting is that with quit smoking hypnosis, the incidence of relapse of the smoker is almost thoroughly eliminated. Quit Smoking Hypnosis should be tried by every smoker who is serious about quitting.

In my case, I started smoking as a teenager because I was overweight and felt very unattractive. However, when some kids started showing some interest in me, I began adopting their behavior, their manner of dressing and talking. Unfortunately, they all smoked because it was cool to smoke then... Over the years, I had shed my unwanted weight, but unfortunately, have not gotten rid of my smoking habit. Until one day, I simply got tired of the smell of my car, my hair, my clothes, everything!

I read about hypnotherapy and resolved to quit smoking once and for all. Nor, it's been only three sessions, but I have completely gotten over my smoking. Most of all, Quit Smoking Hypnosis is a more effective method for smoking cessation and keeping the smoking habit from recurring. It's miraculous!

About The Author:

Misty A. Godinez is a Content Writer and Internet Marketer who writes about health issues and would like to help you triumph over your health problems.

Have you been trying to stop smoking without any success? Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy may just be the answer.

One hypnotherapy session is all it takes to change your life forever! High Tech Hypnotherapy can help you change your mindset to help you kick that smoking habit for good!

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Misty A. Godinez - EzineArticles Expert Author

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Quit Smoking By Hypnosis - What Do I Do?

If you want to Quit Smoking by Hypnosis, but do not want to visit an expert hypnotist, you will have to use self-hypnosis. You must be wondering how you can do so, especially since you had never been trained to hypnotize. Well, to Quit Smoking by Hypnosis, and that too without a professional's help, here are the steps you should follow:

1. Demand answers from yourself - Head to a secluded part of your house and talk to yourself. Be honest and serious as you ask yourself why you smoke, and what advantages and disadvantages you get from continuing this habit. Think of the answers and jot them down. Once you're done, take a decision right there whether you should quit smoking or not.

2. Start accepting your decision by coaxing your mind - Hypnotism works on the subconscious layer of your mind. What you need to do is coax that part into accepting that cigarettes aren't any good and why you shouldn't smoke anymore. Use good, logical suggestions so that you can convince yourself fully.

3. Repeat again and again, "Cigarettes are bad!" - To keep the message embedded in your mind, repeat your previously formulated suggestions over and over every time, from morning to night, and whenever you get some free time. This makes sure that you won't end up smoking again and will keep you hypnotized.

4. Be persistent - The key to Quit Smoking by Hypnosis is to stick to your guns. Do not waver and keep on reminding yourself about the effects of smoking. You will soon realize that you haven't had a cigarette in ages (2-3 weeks at the very least). After that, don't go back to smoking.
Using these four steps, you can easily Quit Smoking by Hypnosis. However, to be on the safe side, you can complement these with some anti-smoking products such as the nicotine patch. Together, these can quicken your quitting process and ensure that you don't go back to it.

So, are you ready to embrace the healthier lifestyles once again?

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How to Quit Smoking When You Relapse

There is a statistic bantered around the smoking cessation community that states people who quit smoking will try on average 7 attempts before they are successful and finally quit for good. I'm not sure if there is any data to back up this claim, but it does "sound" about right. We all know people who have tried to quit time and time again without success. Often times these people fail to change their behavior that is commonly associated with their smoking habits. They are conditioned to smoke and like Pavlov's dogs, just can't stop salivating when the cigarette dinner-bell is rang. And, if what I read on the stop smoking forums is true, then I'd say many people fall off the stop smoking wagon in the first week after their target quit date. Does this mean you are going to be a lifetime smoker? Does this mean it will take 6 more attempts before you become successful?

Well, a new study might just change our thinking about recidivism or relapse. In the journal Addiction, Gonzales and others evaluated immediate quitting with varenicline (Chantix), bupropion SR (Zyban) and placebo versus delayed quitting. There results were somewhat surprising. They found that two types of successful quitters emerged, those who quit immediately and those whose success came in a delayed manner. The immediate quitters, whom they termed IQ, were continually abstinent for weeks 2-12. The delayed quitters, DQ, smoked during 1 or more weeks for weeks 2-8. They obviously gave in to temptation and had a puff or two during the clinical trial. However, they were still motivated to quit and remained in the program.

The Chantix group had the highest quit rate for both IQ and DQ, 24% and 20% respectively. Zyban's success was 18% and 11.6%, while the placebo came in at 10% and 7.5%. This evaluation tells us a couple of things.

Chantix success remains relatively high compared to Zyban and Zyban success is greater than that of placebo. Nothing about this is earth-shattering. But it also tells us that if the smoker remains motivated to quit and has a program to follow, they have a very good chance to quit, even if they fall off the wagon early on. In fact, their success rate isn't much lower than their IQ counterparts, relatively speaking. One-third of the proportion of successful quitters who were abstinent between weeks 9-52, were delayed quitters.

So what is the key element then? Well, one thing is obvious. Smokers who enroll in a formal program are likely more serious about quitting and therefore, more motivated to quit, despite early relapse. Secondly, stop smoking aids with a support system are much more effective in helping people become smoke-free than those who go it alone without some kind of aid. I've never understood why people would direct people away from getting help to stop smoking. Nicotine is so addictive, that would be like asking a heroin addict to quit cold turkey, on their own. It just doesn't make sense to me. I understand there are side-effects to all medications, but these can usually be managed within some sort of a support system. Everybody is different and everyone's addiction is different. Some can go cold turkey, while others probably need something a little but substantive.

This just goes back to the point that it is hard to quit smoking by yourself. You have to build in some kind of accountability or network of support to lift you up when you relapse. Too many people think they can quit as easy as they started or they don't think they can quit at all, so their attempts are simply doomed to fail before they even begin.

If you find yourself in this category, then you need to think about the stop smoking benefits that are available to you when you quit. You might also want to start evaluating the health consequences that are suffered by people who smoke.

If you are ready to quit smoking then go to a trusted resource for information and stop smoking help. Learn about all the stop smoking aids, take a nicotine addiction quiz to find out which method might be best suited for you. Arm yourself with unbiased information and understand what to expect when you quit smoking. The only thing that makes quitting easy, is your attitude. Stay firm in your decision and resolve to quit smoking everyday.

Get the valuable information you need to help you stop smoking at

Tim Frymyer is a licensed respiratory therapist who is dedicated to keeping the public up-to-date on the latest stop smoking information.

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Quit Smoking - Several Useful Tips

Quit smoking seems to be quite difficult to do. As we all know, smoking can be very relieving as well as irritating. This bad habit will certainly bring to relieve and enjoyment to the smokers; on the contrary, it will definitely be an irritating activity for the people around them due to the smoke produced from the lighted cigarette.

To help you live healthier and prolong your days of living, you should consider to stop smoking.? It is a challenging thing to do since many people are tempting to go back to their old bad habit after certain period of time stop smoking. It is caused by the addictive substance on the nicotine that makes your body keep on asking more for such a substance.

You may take the followings tips to help you? stop smoking and lead a healthier life.

Make sure that you do really want to stop smoking and understand the reason why you smoke.This will help you to keep on fighting the process until you are really free from such a bad habit. Knowing the reasons why you smoke will help you in determining the best methods in facing them as well as determining the right medications to help you quit smoking. Set your own quit smoking date. It is better for you to choose the date when you have plenty of things to do to keep you busy during your quit smoking process. Such a busy day will help distract your eagerness of smoking. Asking for an assistance and advices from your doctor about your quit smoking decision.Get support and encouragement from your family, friends and relatives. Looking for some buddies who also want to stop smoking. You can help and encourage each other during the hard times of your stop smoking process. Start to do certain exercise program and consider having a healthy diet eating plan. Determine your reaction and particular thing to do when you experience the cigarette craving. Keep yourself busy and active could help you avoid such cravings. Determine a certain item like lollipop, toothpicks, coffee stirrer, sunflower seeds, chewing gums, etc. to help you manage with your physical cigarette cravings since you are accustomed to hold the cigarette in your hand, taking a puff and / or putting it in your lips.Convince yourself that you can quit. You may want to think about having some vacations or purchase more gifts to your beloved ones with the money you save on cigarettes. This article has been viewed 5 time(s).
Article Submitted On: September 11, 2010

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Quit Smoking Excuses to Bury for Good

The three biggest excuses to not quit, are covered and stomped on here. Do not put off your quit date any longer, you can quit, and your biggest excuses are taken down here.

1. I will gain weight, and it will be even unhealthier for me to quit smoking and gain weight. Can you believe what you are saying here? You would have to add like, well, over 100 pounds for this to be true. Unless you plan on shoveling food into your mouth, you will never gain that much weight. It just won't happen. Plus, if you quit, and you are really ready to quit, you want to quit, you are going to tackle this with a better mindset than just eating to cover your smoking cravings. You are going to feel better, you will be able to walk better, you can exercise more, your lung capacity is going to improve, and you are going to actually lose weight! I dare you to quit smoking and gain weight. You are an amazing talented and smart person, you can take this challenge on with amazing results. Go get them!

2. I will not be able to quit with my spouse, friends all smoking. We will have to do it together. This is tough, but boy, as you go through a change in your life, like dedicating yourself to quitting this unhealthy lifestyle, you have to start thinking for yourself. If you continue the teenage lifestyle practice, that started you into this nightmare of smoking, how are you going to evolve, and adapt into a new and recognizable person? You are more powerful, more mature, and smarter than that follower and pack member. You are the alpha leader of your group, and once you quit, show your resolve, and your success, you will not be alone. Be the best part of your group of friends and family, and step forward, and lead the way!

3. I can't do it right now, bad timing for me. I will wait until,.... Ok, this wait until thing, has been going on for like, 20 years or more! Stop it! You have to take action now. You cannot continue this destructive path that you are on, besides you probably don't even remember how to think without cigarettes. Any time, no matter how bad, is the right time. Even if you lose your best friend to cancer, this is the right time. You need to take control, and use this bad time as the trigger! It will be so powerful for you, can you imagine? You can use this negative time for a positive result. Wow, I can't wait to see what you uncover next after you stop smoking. Stand aside world, you are out to get things really going.

Do not, do not, stop your motivation to quit smoking for one reason, or another. If you are creating reasons, excuses or maybe you are calling them realities, I want you to tear them down. There is no reason to not quit smoking. You just need to really want to do it!

Use your power, use your experiences, and open your mind to your new reality. It is a big, brand new day that you are going to enjoy and conquer. Don't let anything stand in your way!

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