Monday, October 4, 2010

Quit Smoking, Quit Gaining Weight

One day, one fine day, you decide that you are going to quit smoking. It is a real triumphant moment! You have made the choice, and it is because you have let one great excuse slide to the side, you are going to not gain weight during this process.

It is a really scary reality. Many people, whether on purpose or because it seems like a better way to manage, substitute food for the habit of smoking during the early days of cessation.

It is the exact thing that frightens more people from not even trying to quit smoking. Think about this: it stops people from evolving from the largest health risk they have in their lifetime, from stopping the greatest risk to cancer, from adapting into the better person they know they can be, forever.

It is the biggest excuse for many. I want you to really think about this. What if you refuse, yes refuse, to accept this reality. You just simply will not add another bad habit to your constant repetitive motion list.

It will be something you refuse to let occur. You can do this without adding food as a buffer. It is not the solution to your quit smoking pledge. Don't let anything become that other cigarette.

The best way to quit, is to have the motivation and the stamina to control your mind. You have a nicotine induced coma brain-it is full of chemical influences that you cannot control immediately. If you substitute anything, yes anything, for this habit, it will become just as addicting to you in the long run.

An amazing thing is about to occur in your life. You are about to lose a controlling and unrelenting force from your path. It is like a razor blade, always cutting into your thoughts, breaking you from any forward motion, stopping you from growing into a very powerful and positive person.

You have much to accomplish, there is a lot to do! Don't let the fact that you may have bad moments, cravings or regrets sway your resolve. You have decided to remove this destructive force from your life. You are ready to run forward into a brand new day, finding purpose, and great new way of living.

You will not let the excuse of gaining weight stop you. You are more powerful for even being so progressive, and thinking ahead, that you will not let it occur. It just won't happen!

Your right to stop yourself from evolving into an early coffin is just within your grasp. If you assume that you can't fight weight gain, and that you are powerless from it occurring if you quit smoking, you are letting an excuse slowly kill you. Quitting smoking does not increase weight; eating more is what causes weight gain.

Do not confuse yourself, and forget your primary reason for moving forward to quit smoking. It is your nicotine brain causing this thought pattern to grow and prosper.

You are bigger than this excuse.

It is something you will evolve past, and I am proud to say you will not let this stop you.

View the original article here

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