Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Quit Smoking Excuses to Bury for Good

The three biggest excuses to not quit, are covered and stomped on here. Do not put off your quit date any longer, you can quit, and your biggest excuses are taken down here.

1. I will gain weight, and it will be even unhealthier for me to quit smoking and gain weight. Can you believe what you are saying here? You would have to add like, well, over 100 pounds for this to be true. Unless you plan on shoveling food into your mouth, you will never gain that much weight. It just won't happen. Plus, if you quit, and you are really ready to quit, you want to quit, you are going to tackle this with a better mindset than just eating to cover your smoking cravings. You are going to feel better, you will be able to walk better, you can exercise more, your lung capacity is going to improve, and you are going to actually lose weight! I dare you to quit smoking and gain weight. You are an amazing talented and smart person, you can take this challenge on with amazing results. Go get them!

2. I will not be able to quit with my spouse, friends all smoking. We will have to do it together. This is tough, but boy, as you go through a change in your life, like dedicating yourself to quitting this unhealthy lifestyle, you have to start thinking for yourself. If you continue the teenage lifestyle practice, that started you into this nightmare of smoking, how are you going to evolve, and adapt into a new and recognizable person? You are more powerful, more mature, and smarter than that follower and pack member. You are the alpha leader of your group, and once you quit, show your resolve, and your success, you will not be alone. Be the best part of your group of friends and family, and step forward, and lead the way!

3. I can't do it right now, bad timing for me. I will wait until,.... Ok, this wait until thing, has been going on for like, 20 years or more! Stop it! You have to take action now. You cannot continue this destructive path that you are on, besides you probably don't even remember how to think without cigarettes. Any time, no matter how bad, is the right time. Even if you lose your best friend to cancer, this is the right time. You need to take control, and use this bad time as the trigger! It will be so powerful for you, can you imagine? You can use this negative time for a positive result. Wow, I can't wait to see what you uncover next after you stop smoking. Stand aside world, you are out to get things really going.

Do not, do not, stop your motivation to quit smoking for one reason, or another. If you are creating reasons, excuses or maybe you are calling them realities, I want you to tear them down. There is no reason to not quit smoking. You just need to really want to do it!

Use your power, use your experiences, and open your mind to your new reality. It is a big, brand new day that you are going to enjoy and conquer. Don't let anything stand in your way!

View the original article here

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